Where do you guys buy cabinet doors?


Active Member
Do you actually wait the 3-4wks Lowes/Home Depot takes once ordered, buy online or are there some types of shops I should be able to find a selection in stock locally? Egay is an option as well. I'm ready to panel my DIY stand but would like doors 1rst so I can chose the right paneling.
Pics for kicks. Its for a 72"x18"x19" 100gallon (or 125 if I chose to just go ahead and get a new tank)



Active Member
I went to Lowes and they said they dont stock anything but I could order and it would take about 4wks. Does everybody just wait the month to complete their cabinets?


Active Member
Some places like Menards sell oak or pine unfinished cabinet doors in several sizes (only a few select sizes, though).


Active Member
Usually Lowes gets them pretty quick in our area, the last time I bought some they had a few in stock, had to go to another local store to pick up the rest. Not top of the line cabinet doors but they look pretty good. 4 weeks is a long time to wait.


I bought mine from a guy I now that has a cabinet business. I would at least call a cabinet shop for a price, never know?


Active Member
I agree... make your own. Cabinet doors need not be anything terribly fancy. The first few stands I made just used slab doors, just plain wood panels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I agree... make your own. Cabinet doors need not be anything terribly fancy. The first few stands I made just used slab doors, just plain wood panels.
well I took the advice for the time being. Doors are simply three hinged 24"x20" slabs of wood from what I call the "junk" wood pre cut bins at home depot. Good thing about DIY stands you can always change the panelling, doors, pretty much everything but the frame at any time.

still have to finish staining and a few details but for the most part stick a fork in it. It started pretty cheap but after purchasing a sh*t load of panelling, stain, wood and nails extra that I didn't wind up needing it wasn't that much cheaper than buying. The canopy will be real cheap since I no longer need to purchase panelling, stain ect. matter of fact I'm taking two cans of stain back (silly me bought three cans lol. didn't use one).
not that great but considering my lack of tools, alot of free home depot/lowes semi accurate cuts and 1rst time building status I'm satisfied

messy garage and 40lbs of "reef bones" (seeded with a clump of cheato)

tx reef

Active Member
Looks good. If you don't have a router and bits (ogee, etc...) then you can go buy some decent looking trim from lowes to go around the edge of the doors.......


Active Member
a finished for now bump. probably going to panel the doors like the rest of the stand. Damn wives, I cant put it up until after christmas because she just has to have the christmas tree in the exact corner of the room where the tank will partially be (there's a corner perfectly perpendicular to the corner she must use thats just as visable and where I put the damn tree to begin with



Active Member
thanks alot! DIY does give you a certain sense of satisfaction. Hopefully I can churn out a simularly simple canopy.