? where have all the fraggers gone?


Active Member
its amazing, there is alwasy threads titled How do you frag this or that and a dozen people answeriugn advising different methods, now that there is a section for it no one is fragging...... WHY!? come on peole step up and show how you do it. there is more than one way to frag a zoanthid...


Active Member
I have no intention on fragging my zoas. I have fragged mushrooms. I wouldnt mind fragging my candy cane and my zoas but just havent looked up how to.


Active Member
it was an expression, I would like to any one frag anything, just to get different people showing their ways.
I hope soon I'll be able to post about my expierences. Hopefully it'll turn out better than that one time you talked me into blending my mushrooms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
I have no intention on fragging my zoas. I have fragged mushrooms. I wouldnt mind fragging my candy cane and my zoas but just havent looked up how to.
my first attempt ever at fragging was my zoas and well IT WENT GREAT! what i did was i took a hammer and a flat edge screwdriver. Then chisled of the part of the rock with some zoas on it..so i would now have two rocks..I did this for 4 types of zoos and all have popped out and are gonna do great at there new home


What can we say reef... You have turned us all into experts.

Well, ok, not so much experts as we know who to ask when we have a question.


Active Member
hey reefkprZ
i have this massive bubble coral that i got from someone on here, now obviously, i have no intention of fragging it, but i was just wondering how one would go about it if they wanted to. any ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
hey reefkprZ
i have this massive bubble coral that i got from someone on here, now obviously, i have no intention of fragging it, but i was just wondering how one would go about it if they wanted to. any ideas?
with a wet tile saw with marine water. determine where you want to cut it, make the cut, then let the coral slime up in a bucket of clean marine water with a small powerhead pointed up, and heater to maintain temperature (or use a warm bath station) for one half to one hour, then return to the display as close to the original conditons/position as possible