Where I am...and lots of ?s


New Member
On Monday, we bought (from someone else) and moved a 90-gallon tank that was set up for 5 years. It has 120 lbs. of live rock (along with some lr critters) in it.
Skimmer: The protein skimmer we got with the tank is less than satisfactory, so we're needing to get a new one. We need to do this before adding fish, yes? I was recommended the Coralife Super Skimmer. Anyone have experience having used these? Would this one (or please recommend other one/s) be a good one for us to use as beginner hobbyists? (We also have our tank on hard wood floors, so leaks are very important not to have!)
Filters: We have a Penguin 400 and a Penguin 200 running without bio wheels (will get those soon, too). And, is it important for a tank to really have that much live sand (I've read 1- 1 1/2 inches in the tank) - the guy who had the tank running healthily didn't have that much live sand in there at all! And, if I add more live sand, does that put back the time in which my tank will be ready to add fish (OH, we can hardly wait!). :)
I saw yellow and red gorgonion (sp?) coral online - is this type recommended for beginners? And, since I have other little things growing on my live rock, is it ok to go ahead and add corals - or does that need to wait just like fish?
Thanks! Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say!


Active Member
Welcome. cant answer on your skimmer, but sis want to ask what type of lights you have. coral will depend on what they are. keep a close eye on your levels after your move. you should let your tank settle in before adding anything. What fish do you have?
Good Luck


New Member
Thanks, Teresa - Ok, we'll watch our levels and just WAIT! :) No fish, just rocks - my daughter talks to them "G'night rocks!"
Lights - an actinic (sp?) and a daylight bulb. Need replaced, but we're going to work on repairing a $500 light piece the guy gave us with the tank - he said it has something burned out in it after he used it a year (just outside the warranty period). So, we don't want to replace bulbs until we know if we'll fix the broken piece. What do corals need so that when we do buy bulbs for either piece, we'll know what to get? Also, I see that you're a clown girl - I LOVE them, and I would LOVE to have an anemone and clown - thinking about that, do they require certain lights?


Active Member
is the fixture pc -power compact, vho very high output, or mh metal halida
anemonies need either vho or mh. I'm not sure, i dont own one. my clowns like fuzzy mushrooms.


New Member
I just looked up what fuzzy mushrooms look like - I would mistake that for an anemone! So, are fuzzy mushrooms corals - and are they easier to keep than anemones? FMs just need power compact lighting?I may go that route, too, if so.
I think the light is a power compact - will have to ask someone else who knows. I'll find out about the broken light piece, too.