Where is the cheapest place to buy salt?


I had purchased a few 160 Gallon cans a while back and stocked up on it. Is it the bad economy or do prices fly high constantly. WOW. I think I bought my stock about 10 months ago.
I am now out of salt and the local pet store prices would have you in foreclosure buying their salt.
a 160 gallon can of instant ocean at my local pet store was 62 smackers, plus tax.
I just ordered a 200 gallon box for 40 bucks and 10 dollars shipping at pet place dot com.
Where do you all buy your salt from. Is there a place that sells it cheaper in bulk or will ship for an affordable price?
I have a 90 gallon tank with a puffer and a fox face in it and salt is expensive.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Active Member
Yes, salt prices have gone thru the roof. I also buy the 200g. boxes now online from another site (can't say because it's a competitor site). But also, go in to your lfs and tell them what you are paying online. Be honest and ask them if they can work anything out with you, maybe like let you order a couple of boxes next time they place a big order. You might be surprised what they will cut the price down to, especially if you are a regular.


Active Member
at my LFS i can buy the 160 gallon bucket of instant ocean for $47.99 + tax.


Active Member
most online stores will hv it for $45-50 for a 160-200 gallon mix. google per supplies online. the sites i use are drs.........com or petsol.....com.