Where is your aquarium located in your house?


Active Member
Mine is also a room divider between the kitchen and family room. I love watching the fish at dinner with the lights on the tank....my home made filter makes alot of noise, but I find it puts me to sleep...So I usually crash on the family room couch at night and fall asleep watching the fish


Originally Posted by Anonome
125g reef in the family room ( the main wall) next to the TV. I think I watch the tank more than the tv! :joy: 48g oranda tank also in the family room. 2 betta tanks (2g each)-in book cases dividing the livingroom and diningroom.

mines in the living room, we didnt put a tv in there.


Active Member
My 110gal SW in the living room with a 75gal sump in the basement... and my 35gal FW in my Family Room


Active Member
mines in my front room next to my kitchen..... u can see it from all parts of the house since my house is reallyu open well except from the bedrooms lol
i shoulda thought twice before putting it on my wood floors but ohwell


Active Member
Our 125 reef is in the living room, next to the TV. Had to rearrange the whole living room to find a spot for it and get a new SMALLER entertainment center for the TV. And a betta bowl on the entertainment stand in our bedroom


My 75 reef is in the entrancy foyer-slate floors, 29 gal fowlr is in the bedroom-not really very noise at all and the 55 fowlr is in the downstairs game room on the other side of the pool table.


My tank is located in the basement... right next to the bar.
we will be putting an 85 gal upstairs as an aggressive tank.
Funny, I have a picture of the bar... but not the tank. Priorities.
Last count was well over 100 bottles of liquor, wine, port, and spirits.
And to think I feel the need to stock up again!


Active Member
55 reef in the living room (only reason anyone goes in there really) and a 46 heavily planted freshwater in the family room. got rid of the 29 reef and 20 fresh in my room.