where should i place my brain coral ??


It will do fine where it is at. Don't put it in direct line of your powerhead. If you are using a normal hood and t12 lights, you could put it in the front corner of your tank. This is where your tank will be brightest.


thats a wellso brain alot of my friends put them on the substrate, i was going to buy one but i alreayd have my substrate covered with stuff.


Active Member
It will do fine where it is at

Yes it "could" do fine but it BELONGS on the sand.
The rocks irritate the flesh of the brain and can/do/will damage it. The flesh will erode and you will end up like the tin man and be looking for a new brain.:eek:
Not saying that will happen but it does happen often.:yes:
GL to ya


They are all correct...I had mine in the same way you have it now...it did fine, but a crab began to pick at it and eat it. It was sitting like you have yours....not supported on the sides, but resting on something. In front of your tank in sand is the best place.


look at how bright the corners of your bowfront are....perfect location!!! Your tanks and lights are made to throw lights along the glass at the front to give the tank a glow. There is a lot of light reflecting in each corner....just a thought.