Where should I place my Magnum 350?


New Member
I have an already established 75 SWT and use a Sea Clone skimmer and an Amiracle Wet Dry designed for a 90 gallon tank. I have a Magnum 350 Pro with bio wheels arriving today. I'd like to add the Magnum to the wet/dry sump so that the tubes are all out of the way. Any suggestions on whether is should stay in the sump and where in the sump. Before or after the bio balls? Or should it be placed in the main tank. I bought it because I feel I need something that will filter the smaller particles that get past the filter matting on top of the drip tray. Thanks.


The Magnum has a gravity-siphon intake, you'd need to have it placed well below a sump. Unless your sump was significantly evelvated in your stand, it won't work out.
I wouldn't feel a need to have bio-wheels set up, you have plenty of area for bacteria in your wet-dry and tank.
Have you looked at the HOT Magnum? It may fit your needs a little better. Hope that helps.


New Member
I looked at the HOT system, but don't want anything showing inside the tank, hense the reason to put it in my sump. I know it is a gravity feed system, but I thought it was also a self priming. If that is the case, I should be able to turn it on with both intake and exhaust tubes in the sump and the pump should pull the water out of the sump and through the filter, right?
I do have a lot of bacteria area but thought for an additional 10 bucks, I get the bio wheels with the pro system. I hear these are huge bio wheels!
Are you running a Magnum system? Any tips on using it? How has it worked for you? Thanks for the suggestions. I really don't want to add any other tubes in the tank, but if the sump location doesn't work, I'll have no choice. Thanks.


New Member
I have both the Magnum 350 and an AMiracle Wet/Dry running on my 90G Tank for about four months now and all has been good until last week when I noticed a spike in my Nitrates (could be from the extra prefilter on the magnum).
My Magnum is underneath the tank with the intake tube going to the tank and the output tube going directly to my AMiracle skimmer (also on the back of the tank).
Not sure if it will work directly from the sump, I wouldn't think so because of it being gravity fed.
Let us know what happens.
Hope this helps


I think you could install the HOT system on your sump also. Just use some extensions for the suction and discharge so that they're well below the water level. You also could just try placing a small bag of carbon in your sump near the suction of the return pump.
You actually need to prime the canister the first time, than bump the air out... thats where I think you're have a problem. The suction and discharges though are rather easy to conceal with live rock, not to noticeable... but I understand not wanting them in your display. The pro version is deffinately worth $10 more for the quick disconnects if nothing else, they're very nice to have.
I used the Magnum 350 with bio-wheels on my first tank, really liked it. Now I try and avoid mechanical filtration, so I picked up a HOT Magnum just to toss on and run carbon for a few days when I desire too. I stoped useing the bio-wheels just because I no longer felt a need for them as my live rock collection grew.
Good luck