where to buy a Imp Angel?

j carter

I'm have been looking for a imperator adult angel about 6-7 inch where would you recomend to buy one. I'm I was looking at the Marine Center in Texas ,Accua con etc. The ones From Baili (yellow tail)are about $75-100 cheaper than the ones from chistmas Island & the red sea (orange tail) is there really that much difference? I'm wanting a very nice Angel & I have heard bad stories about some places I'm sure you guys no where to go.
Thanks Jason Carter

nm reef

Active Member
Our host does offer them...and you can get them from numerous other sources...but like trojan said we have established policy against linking to other vendors. So you could get it here and speak openly about it or get it there and keep your source to yourself. Either way I'd carefully research them first...they do tend to get very large and require a lot of room. Beautiful fish...just not a type I'd be comfortable with.:cool:

j carter

I wont post any other company's name on the board or ask for any opions about other fish shops I did not no you can't do that on this board sorry.
My friend that is helping me with my tank is a salt water nut he has a 450 124 and a 210 that has 5 large angels fish in it now and has had them in there for 8 years 3 of them for 9years his Imp is now 13inhes long bought him at 3 inches the others are a blue lined blue face Imperor asfur majestic he has a lot of live rock and hiding places never any problems there getting reay for the 450 gal in the next few months.
I just want one Imp the only onther fish will be 2 lions 1 niger trigger 3inch 1 purple tang 90bow gal 175bow will be going in 6 months
still looking for a nice Imp Angel Thanks Jason Carter (816-716-3017cell#)


New Member
this place i mean swf.com i bought one some time ago and its in its phase know of transforming to adult........


I would've opted displaying your email than phone number to be on the safe side.
diffenately this is a public open forumn so everybody in the world can see your number not a good idea.