where to buy cephalopods


Active Member
My 75 is almost ready for some real critters. I'm still tossing around the idea of a cephalopod tank, but am having a hard time finding a good source to buy from. Any ideas? I've read they don't ship well, so a quality, reputable source is important.


dude if u put a octo in a tank with any other creature other than itself its bye bye fish and inverts. Just looking at ur 75 reef from the website I would say you diddn't want to waste ur money invested in those nice fish and inverts. Wouldn't do it, plus most octos only last 6months. just my opinion but good luck


Active Member
All though they are awesome creatures, IMO octo's and all cephalopos for that matter should be left where they belong, in the ocean. Like said earlier, they don't live to long, and they don't ship well. You can't keep anything in a tank with them either. If you have a smaller tank and want to do something real cool, go for a mantis shrimp. They are awesome to watch, especially when they eat. Bo


Active Member
Thanks for the opinions, but with all due respect, I was just asking if there was a reputable place to buy online, or if I have to go through my LFS. My 75 has nothing in it except a DSB and a chromis. The reef has been torn down and moved to my 44g display tank.
I have done my research, and I do know something about cephs. I know that we get a lot of newbies on the board who haven't done their research, so your warnings are probably turning into programmed responses. I am not one of these newbies. I know all about the downfalls of octos... I've done lots of reading and talked to everyone I can find with octo experience. I've read about cuttles too, but there isn't as much info on cuttles as there is on octos. I do appreciate the warnings, but the warnings didn't answer my question.
I'm not trying to sound rude or argumentative... and if I did, I appologize. I thought it was a simple question. If you don't agree with keeping cephs in home aquariums, then don't reply to the post.