Thanks for the opinions, but with all due respect, I was just asking if there was a reputable place to buy online, or if I have to go through my LFS. My 75 has nothing in it except a DSB and a chromis. The reef has been torn down and moved to my 44g display tank.
I have done my research, and I do know something about cephs. I know that we get a lot of newbies on the board who haven't done their research, so your warnings are probably turning into programmed responses. I am not one of these newbies. I know all about the downfalls of octos... I've done lots of reading and talked to everyone I can find with octo experience. I've read about cuttles too, but there isn't as much info on cuttles as there is on octos. I do appreciate the warnings, but the warnings didn't answer my question.
I'm not trying to sound rude or argumentative... and if I did, I appologize. I thought it was a simple question. If you don't agree with keeping cephs in home aquariums, then don't reply to the post.