Where to buy Leopard Sharks???


Active Member
If I remeber correctly just a week ago you said you had the current fish in your sig. in a 90 gallon tank, and you where considering upgrading to a 125. I noticed now that your sig. contains a 125G. Did your new tank cycle that fast???:confused: :confused:
So where do you plan on keeping a leopard, if you could find one?:confused:


saltfisher ,
there's no reason to be so harsh in your response. stacyt was just being observant. You could of mentioned that it was not for you, but for a friend . Just a thought. :) Good luck in your search for the shark.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Try contacting a good local supplier in your/his area for special order. If not, there are many reputable online places that do them special order. Not sure about SWF.com, but if not there are many if you do some quick searching...


Active Member
To be honest, I doubt that anyone here would tell you even if they did know based your attitude display recently in the photography forum. Not trying to be rude, but merely honest.



Originally posted by JustinX
To be honest, I doubt that anyone here would tell you even if they did know based your attitude display recently in the photography forum. Not trying to be rude, but merely honest.

Your right JustinX! He was very rude in his reply to StacyT. what he said in that post was just un-called for. :rolleyes:
It looks like it was deleted from this thread. Hopefully StacyT didn't see that post. Either way saltfisher should of apologized for what he said. Everyone is on here to learn about this wonderful Hobby. There's no need to be putting people down and name calling.


Active Member
No I didn't get a chance to see the post before it was deleted. It really doesn't matter, as I know most here have seen the posts this person has done.


Well, neither of you know the grief I was given in another thread about having sharks in my tank. Partly from Stacy. I need not apologize to her. Also, JustinX, the Leopard and a Wobble was purchased today, so who cares what people on here want to tell me.:p


Originally posted by SaltFisher
Well, neither of you know the grief I was given in another thread about having sharks in my tank.
I read that thread! I know what was said about your sharks.


Active Member
Actually, I DO know the grief you were given, becuase I was one of the first to respond to you. I did so in a polite manner, and unfortunately was not granted that same luxury. It is unfortunate to have people like you in this hobby let alone this world.
I'll bet you paid a pretty penny for those sharks. and you know why? because of irresponsible individuals like yourself.


Active Member
I can already see that this thread is going to get ugly. It seems that all of your posts/threads get ugly for some reason or another. I am going to lock this one up until somebody learns a little respect for thier fellow hobbiests. After all, that is why you are here correct?.......opinions, observations, and constructive critisisms are what builds us up to be the people we want to become in life. Good luck finding your leopard shark.


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltFisher
Well, neither of you know the grief I was given in another thread about having sharks in my tank. Partly from Stacy. I need not apologize to her. Also, JustinX, the Leopard and a Wobble was purchased today, so who cares what people on here want to tell me.:p

who cares?
where to start?
1)I do
2)we all do, that is why we inform you, and most have started as friendly advice, until you respond to them.
3) YOU DO!
other wise, why else would you bother to ask? and read the responses? JMO, which I am sure seems to be more than accurate.
Just as YOu have told others, if you don't like it dont read it.
Well, if you don't like the answer, which you do know before asking, DON'T ASK IT!
enuff is enuff.