Where to buy tanks and lighting ????


New Member
I'm in the process of doing homework to set up about a hundred gallon reef system and have been reading everything I can get my hands on, including these boards. One thing I have heard little about is buying drygoods from places other than LFS. I have two sizable ones here in town, but when compared to some places I read on line, the prices here make my eyes bleed. The mark ups seem really outrageous on tanks and down right painful on lighting.
I'm all in favor of the local guy, but not to the tune of %50-80. And yes, I've been careful to compare apples to apples.
I eagerly await the wisdom of those more experienced than I.


I would buy the tank form a lfs just cause the shipping would be outragous.
On some of my drygoods I went through the lfs but only because the prices were the same as online. meet or beet is my moto. :D It is also a good way to get them to do a favor if you ever need one. Everything else I shopped the net and compared prices. I have ended up choosing 2 online stores that are in my time zone for shipping reasons and to establish a relationship of business incase I have any problems. Has worked so far.


New Member
Originally posted by Q:
[QB]I would buy the tank form a lfs just cause the shipping would be outragous.
The relationship building is a good point, but I've been following a site that claims to waive shipping on orders over a thousand, and being outside California, I avoid sales tax. No small amount, that.


Capt Fun
Welcome to the party.
Its funny - because I was discussing with my wife that I have been using "That Fish Place" for about 9 years now. I started using them when they were catalog only and I had to call to order. None of the internet clicking - what a story for my kids someday. Anyways, I have never had a problem with them - there prices are awesome - and if you ever find an on-line/catalog that beats them, they will meet it.
My best example to give: I just bought 200gal of salt from them for $35.99 + shipping. Total shipping of that and other items was about $25.
Compare that to the LFS that sells 50gal bags for $30+. I think you will find you will save a ton of money.
As for lighting - right now Champion Lighting (recommend to me by CSL themselves) has CSL lighting on sale for 10% off. Cheapest I have found.
Good luck.


Hey guys, check out ahsupply.com or hellolights.com for lights. They seem pretty cheap and decent shipping charges.
Scott :D


New Member
I would purchase the tank locally if possible. I do not know where you live, but here in CA youn can shop around.
I would buy my filter on-line. There are a lot of sites. I even know of one site that can custom make a set up for you (it is costly, but top of the line).
Just remember you want to think the whole system out on paper and get advice then make your mind up. Remember to take into account what type of system you want reef, fish only, etc.
One thing youwant to do is go as big as possible 75 to 100 or above. You will kick your self if you don't.