Where to get a Tank?



Hello Everyone!
I am trying to prepare for my first salt water reef tank! I have been researching the hobby for about 4 months as well as save up a lot of money. My biggest problem now is finding a website/store that sells tanks (---- had no results). I am specifically looking for a corner tank (~70-75 gal), but I would settle for something else if I cant find one. Does anyone have any ideas?
Part two...Glass or acrylic tank? What is the benefit of acrylic tanks?


Active Member
Ordering tanks online is expensive due to the common carrier shipping. Plus, working for a common carrier...shipping anything glass isn't a good idea.
Both of my tanks I purchased from Exotic Super Pet in East Hartford. Both were on sale and drastically reduced, one is a Perfecto and the other All-Glass. Both came with stands, covers and lights. (replaced both lighting systems, and built a better stand for one). All in all, you pretty much have to stick in a local area for the tanks themselves. Everything else...get online.
As for glass vs acrylic. Personal choice. I chose glass. Doesnt scratch as easily, and you can scrub it hard for that seriously hard algae you sometimes get.
I am in Windsor myself.


I will have to check the store out. Its down the road from where I work.
Where do you go to buy your fish and LR? I usually check out Wet Pets in Vernon but they just started SW and I am not sure if I want to purchase from there yet this early in the game.


Active Member
Just if you go to that place on Ling Island...expect a few things...higher prices then on their website...and you can check this site out for additional information about the store/owner...
makes for interesting reading.
I did visit this store, and used to obtain my salt from them. I was shocked as I was not prepared to pay the higher then website prices. However, the two fish I did purchase, a young queen angel and a butterfly fish, were both excellent specimens.
But for personal reasons...I no longer shop that place.
Other then that, right here at SWF.com is a good place to buy fish and LR. I have purchased from many web-etailers.