where to get mini brittles


where can i get mini brittle stars to aid in my clean up crew?
( i dont know if this post is against the rules since im asking where to get something but if it is im sorry


New Member
Originally Posted by gharner
where can i get mini brittle stars to aid in my clean up crew?
( i dont know if this post is against the rules since im asking where to get something but if it is im sorry
Well, I know this is not a lot of help
, but I got 3 from my lfs when I bought a batch of macro alge for the fuge, I just moved them to the DT


Active Member
mini stars usually come in on live rock or in chaeto as above posted. does your LFS have a vat they keep live rock in? if so ask if you can dig around in the sand and dirt that collects in the bottom.


the one lfs has their rock in an aquarium, it doesnt have any other livestock in it but i still doubt that they would let me dig around in it. my other lfs keeps their lr in large bins so i could prolly check there. i hear that the mini brittles are some of the best detrivores out there, is that true? if so i need a few.