where to place mushroom coral

Hey guys, I just got a mushroom coral and I have had him for about a week on top of one of my live rocks, he really doesn't seem to be doing super, some of the shrooms are out in full bloom but others are retracted. I have him just over halfway up the tank, all my water parameters are good trites 0 trates 0 no ammonia. I am running in a 110 gal tank 1 400 watt MH bulb w/ 2 actinic 48'' flourescent bulbs. Any suggestions where I might move the guy to, to get better results.
thanks Sean


Mushrooms don't need much light so probably down on the bottom of the tank and not directly under the MH. It was proably not under MH lighting where you got it so it will take some time to get adjusted to the MH light intensity.


keep it in lower lighting and it will do fine. also, from my experiences, they like salinity at 1.020-1.023.


Active Member
drop hiim down outta the light some for about a week adn see how he does. if all is well, move him up little by little over the next week till he is at the spot that you wnat him at. more than likely he just needs to get adjusted to the lights!
as far as supplemnts for mushrooms, none are required. soem people say to add extra iodine, but if you do small frequent water changes, you really dont need to add any supplements at all
as far as feedign shrooms, th emajority of them are photosynthetic. the only ones ive been able to feed are the ricordia, rhodactis, and thats really about it. the common shrooms, dotn need to be fed at all!
goo dluck

richard rendos

Active Member
mushrooms, or any coral for that matter, have to have time to adjust to lighting conditions. mushrooms do great directly under MH if they have time to adjust. most pet shops don't keep shrooms under MH, so when you bring it home you should slowly acclimate it to the new (more intense) lighting. I acclimate new acros the same way. I put them in the sand for a few days, then move them up slowly over a week or two.
yours are probably just in a little shock...move them down for a while and slowly move them back up if that is where you want them


I feed my rhodactis teeny tiny bits of raw meaty foods, like shrimp, clams etc. They close up around the food like a cherry tomatoe and consume the food. They have also closed up around some dry flake food that wanders their way. I target feed my shrooms.
They are growing, healthy looking and a nice dark color.