where to purchase copepods


Active Member
check my job description...dont think we have any in stock right now though
also agree with the below comments


Active Member
If there is a reefer with an established tank locally you could always just trade a piece of your rock for a piece of their rock and you'd get a good population of pods


Active Member
Just get some live rock. A 1 or 2 lb piece of LR is likely to have more copepods than you can buy commercially in those little bottles.
Is this for a mandarin or some other fish that won't eat anything else? If so, you really need about a bottle a day. And that's assuming the fish can find all of them right away.


Thanks everyone!
It is for a Mandarin that my husband purchased without researching and he's starting to lose weight already.
I've never seen any pods in our tank - ever. We've (HA!) made 2 unresearched purchases.. <sigh>
Big lesson learned.


Active Member
It's really almost impossible to feed them with those little copepod bottles. There's not very many in there really. They likely eat more than that in a day if they can find them.
Is it possible to add considerably more live rock and a fuge?
How big is your tank and how much LR do you have?
I don't know if you are aware how small copepods are. Even if you have them, you might not ever see them because they are almost microscopic. I have a ton in my fuge. I can barely see them with my bare eye and that is only against certain backgrounds in the tank.


Hi there,
The tank is 90 gallons... we have approx. 100 lbs (and that's a really low estimate we think) of lr.
We're looking into making a fuge.. but cannot do it at this point...
Thanks again!
Originally Posted by hagfish
It's really almost impossible to feed them with those little copepod bottles. There's not very many in there really. They likely eat more than that in a day if they can find them.
Is it possible to add considerably more live rock and a fuge?
How big is your tank and how much LR do you have?
I don't know if you are aware how small copepods are. Even if you have them, you might not ever see them because they are almost microscopic. I have a ton in my fuge. I can barely see them with my bare eye and that is only against certain backgrounds in the tank.


Active Member
How long has the tank been set up? Does your lfs sell chaeto? I started my pod population with some chaeto that was loaded with pods from my lfs. If you ask yours for a bagful for your mandrin, he might sell you some real cheap and then put it in your main tank, hold it down with some rock, or if you have a HOB filter put it in your filter media with some rock rubble so the pods have a breeding area. Get that fuge set up as soon as you can, mean while get a bag of chaeto thats full of pods every few weeks. You have a large enough tank and enpugh LR to keep a mandrin.


Where are you located from houston? I live east of houston and have a few hundred you could have to get going.


Active Member
I know a place that sells copods, and the larger amphipods (spelling) pretty cheap.
I agree with Puffer. you can make a small hob fuge out of a hob filter or you can buy the bigger hob ones. rock rubble and cheto and you are all set.
m0m24@ earthlink dot net


Active Member
Out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not post or request links to other stores. Thanks
If you are in the Houston area, you should google the local reef club MARSHreef.
BTW, are you posting under separate names? I don't understand why one person asked the question, and another chimed in with details of what tank it was for. :notsure: Due to issues with abuse of this in the past, we ask that you stick to one if possible, if this is the case. Otherwise this is a little weird. Thanks

aztec reef

Active Member
i would get some rubble & 2scoops of live sand from a mature tank .it sounds like you could use a little more lr.whatever you do it's gonna be temporary fix, cause pod population comes & goes(regarless if you have a mandarin) your permanent solution will be to add a fuge. for constant population.