where to put my seabea

bang guy

Originally Posted by crashedin0
wait one more thought how long did it take you guys for your to open up
I've never had a Sebae. I believe the success rate is far to low to justify attempting to keep one.


ok twive ve placed him on rock (when i got him and when i re did my rock work )
and both time he move under a rock and into the sand is it ok

he seems to lik the shade under the rock on a nice patch of sand
i dont mind him there but if he lik sand ill place him closer to the front still under the rock and in the sand


If it is under a rock, it might not like the flow in your tank. Is there an area with moderate flow?
Also, what kind of lighting do you have?


330 gph HOF with ajustable knob how much should i give him BTW i dont want to get ragged on but ins a 10 gal so i kno he has enough lighting 7.2 watts per gal


It might be really hard to keep it in a 10 gallon. That is A LOT of flow for that small a tank. I hope you have had the tank set up for quite some time.