Where to put Overflow in New tank?


Active Member
Here's Ocea's website where you can find more information. My LFS has several custome tanks by them. Excellent workmanship and they'll give you what you want. By the way they're not affiliated with Oceanic.
(mods please note: They do not sell to the public, only to wholesalers:D )


This is the idea that I had and then chickened out. I was going to drill 2 holes in the middle of the tank--one drain and one return. I was then going to cover the holes with a pre-assembled, 4 sided, glass box that would extend to 1/4 inch or so under the water level (I say glass because if you have a glass tank--acrylic cement won't stick well enough to glass, and vice versa). I'd use a standpipe with a sponge on the drain and run the return up and tee-ed off at the top to 2 loc-line tubes going opposite directions. Since the return tee would be out of the water--a small hole could be drilled in it to stop siphon during a power outage. Then I'd pile live rock around the glass box to conceal it.
But anyways, the problem with this is that the rock would be all piled up over the weakest part of tank bottom. Plus, if your tank is like mine, it has that plastic brace right in the middle.
So, I scrapped the whole idea and just got a pre-drilled corner overflow design from AGA. It was only $29 more than they're regular tank (75 gal) and I think it will be a whole lot easier to servic for maintenance. Plus, I can put my thermometer and heater in there for easy, concealea acces.
I'm going to use this tank for a divider between 2 rooms, so I just made the hole in the wall a little smaller to hide the overflow area. That way you can only see it from one side, at least.


Lemon thanks..
I don't have the tank, where Tang did you order that tank?
I was going to work with a 40 Gallon Breeder for my Sump is that too small? I can use a 55 instead?