Where to start


I just set up my 30 gallon octagon salt water tank on Jan 13
I have three mollys fish to get my tank up and going with 30 ibs of live rock
I am not sure how long to wait to add salt water fish people say 4 weeks
I need some ideals on what kind of fish to add,how many ..and when to start.
also suggestions on lighting?
I like the cleaner crabs and clown fish ..
should i purchase a protein skimmer?
This is my first salt water aquarium and any advise would by greatly appreicated
Gary :help:


Active Member
sawduster said:
I have three mollys fish to get my tank up and going
I like the cleaner crabs and clown fish ..
If you look around in this section, there are thousands of starters and advice...Not sure about the mollys in the tank, and some of your other choices


Active Member
Originally Posted by sawduster
I just set up my 30 gallon octagon salt water tank on Jan 13
I have three mollys fish to get my tank up and going
I like the cleaner crabs and clown fish ..
Not sure about the mollys..There are thousands of other posts just like this though that you should browse for help


Welcome to the boards

First - i would recommend reading some of the threads in the Archives
these two in particular helped me out a GREAT DEAL -
People tell you to wait 4 weeks because the tank will need to 'cycle' which simply stated, means it needs to build up the beneficial bacteria that will break down Ammonia (toxic to fish) into NitrIte (also toxic) then finally into NitrAte (not so toxic to fish at low levels)
Read those forums - AND i highly
recommend the book i am reading now "the Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner -
Available here at SWF
Good Luck - & remember - the guys n gals on this site are a wealth of info and will be able to answer any/all questions you have ***)


There's no set time period for tank cycling (Although four or so weeks is a good ballpark number), so unless you're fond of making very frequent trips to the LFS (And probably trying the patience of the workers) to have your water tested, first thing I'd suggest getting is some reliable test kits . . . that way you'll know when your tank is ready to have livestock put in.
They're really a mandatory item anyway.


I have a master water test kit but was thinking of waiting until the four weeks or so to test the water
any suggestions of what kind of fish for a 30 gallon tank ...no room to upgrade to a bigger tank after.
I am using a regular flourence light for now 15 inch is this okay?


Active Member
I would test the water once a week..That way you can see how the cycle is coming along..Never hurts at any rate..


Originally Posted by sawduster
I have a master water test kit but was thinking of waiting until the four weeks or so to test the water
any suggestions of what kind of fish for a 30 gallon tank ...no room to upgrade to a bigger tank after.
I am using a regular flourence light for now 15 inch is this okay?
Your tank's been up for nearly a week, so I'd start testing now. Not only good practice, but you'll also know for sure if/when your cycle started, and be able to monitor it . . . watching (presumably) the ammonia rise then fall as nitrite goes up, then that falling as nitrite goes up.
If you're only going to have fish, then a standard NO (Normal Output) flourescent light will be fine.
30g you're only looking at a few fish at most.
Is your live rock in yet? That may have an impact on the cycling process.


i've read that a good rule of thumb for beginners is 1" of (adult size) fish for every 5 gallons. so 30/5 = 6" of fish