Where were you? 9/11


Staff member
I was at work and someone in the office announced that a plane crashed into the WTC. We thought it was an accident!
We had a TV in the administrative offices so I went down to take a look. Was still watching and guessing with co-workers over "what happened" when we saw the 2nd plane flying toward the 2nd tower.
I remember saying then, that it was no accident. A co-worker ID Bin-Laden as the culprit right then in there.


Active Member
I was in my 7th grade english class when it happened, we didn't actually find out what happened until the last class of the day which was science.


Active Member
JacknJill said:
I remember,
I was sitting in the classroom in 5th grade and i remember thinking, "what is she waiting for?" because we were just waiting there and the teachers were all out in the hall for like 10 minutes. And then the principle made an announcement that they could turn their tvs on. I still remember watching it and not seeing what the big deal was. So what? A plane had crashed. And i saw the second plane crash live. I didnt understand the magnitude of the situation. Im now a sophmore in highschool and i think that only in the last couple years or so have a truly realized what happened. [Quote/]
I was in fifth grade too and thought it was an accident and didnt get impact about what happened. Today it just hit me about the massive attack this was, because in my history class a girl lost her sister...her sister was on one of the planes that hit the towers, i felt so bad for her. I remembered about how the pentagon was hit to. Down in az it seemed like it wouldnt affect me but it did


I was at home when the first plane hit and thought maybe it was an accident and then arrived at school and learned a second plane had hit and it was a terrorist attack.


I was out of town at a board meeting. In the middle of our meeting, someone came in to interrupt. I'll never forget what he said, "I just thought you all should know that the World Trade center is collapsing and the Pentagon in on fire." At that moment, I felt this greater sense of being in a way. Even with all of the horrific things going on at that moment, I felt in some way more bound to the rest of humanity than I ever had before. Aside from that I was in disbelief and realized that this is how it must have felt for those who lived when Kennedy was shot, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, or when War of the Worlds was first broadcast. It's amazing how, 5 years later, that day remains so clear in my mind's eye, more clear even than some of the most significant memories I have. I think I'm still in a state of disbelief.


Active Member
My wife and I were on vacation in Las Vegas. We were walking along the strip and heading into the MGM Grand when we heard someone talking about it. We went into one of the casinos and watched it on TV. We were supposed to fly home that Wednesday but had to wait until Friday due to the planes being grounded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
A co-worker ID Bin-Laden as the culprit right then in there.

ya know.......my dad....(a colonel in the army 82nd airborne) for YEARS was babbling about Bin Laden missing. Bin Laden that, blah, blah, blah. Literally we thought in his older age he was losing it due to his 3 tours in Viet Nam. "The Pentagon lost track, Secrect Service nervous. etc" Well, flash forward a few years to 9/11/01. He called me to wish me a happy 40th and I asked him if he saw the news yet. on The first words out of his mouth were "Bin Laden"

Then before the Pentagon got hit.....he asked........."I wonder why the Pentagon wasn't hit". All the years he worked there he felt that there was not enough ground security for that building. Although no amount of ground security would have saved it.
Hind sight is 20/20.......next time he is in the cross hairs of whomever is in office they WILL take care of business.


getting ready for my college classes. decided to stay home its strange because i awoke to the same thing this morning to get ready for college and to see it again after 5 years.


Active Member
just got off duty and getting into bed (was a medic) and my supervisor called me and told me to turn the news on to get a heads up cause if the city calls for more personal your (meaning me) going. 5 minutes later got a phone call and was told to report to the Atlantic highlands pier.


I was on my way to work fresh after getting back from NY on vacation. Was on the roof sight seeing on the WTC that last Saturday night before it went down. My aunt lives in Brooklyn so my friend and I had a place to stay. We left on the 9th back to Denver, was there on the 8th. Crazy timing.


7th grade english class.. meanest, strictest teacher i've ever met, & she was late to class. my whole class was in shock when she finally came in cryin, & said "never forget where you were when the WTCs fell. in my classroom, waiting on me."


Active Member
sorry to rebirth the thread...i found out today a girl in my history class her sister was on flight 93, her sister was on the fone with her then it cut out... I have never felt so bad for someone


Active Member
I have posted already, But I remember telling my students at the Academy that "The world as we know it, has changed forever"!
In every foreign country I have been in and to, always laughed at the amount of heavily armed security police etc. armed with full auto weapons at their airports.
It was just waiting to happen. I lost my Platoon Commander when I was in Suadi (1st Gulf War) in the attacks on the Oklahoma City bombing. "Captain Randy Gusman" was the Marine they found sitting at his desk in full Dress Blues.
God Bless you Sir!!


Active Member
I was in my first period Physical Science class...
I remember a student that worked in the office came to our door, opened it and told Coach that the World Trade Centre had been bombed.
We all watched the television in horror, only to find out that instead of a bomb, a plane with innocent civilians had been plowed into a majour landmark of the United States. Each class period throughout the day we watched CNN and heard the horrid stories of planes slamming into buildings and open fields.
I remember in my English/Literature class we had to write a page on the attacks. While I am not particularly patriotic, and never have been, it still broke my heart to know and witness that people would do such a thing as to hijack a plane with helpless people only to crash it into a building with more innocent people. Please don't flame me for this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I was in my first period Physical Science class...
I remember a student that worked in the office came to our door, opened it and told Coach that the World Trade Centre had been bombed.
We all watched the television in horror, only to find out that instead of a bomb, a plane with innocent civilians had been plowed into a majour landmark of the United States. Each class period throughout the day we watched CNN and heard the horrid stories of planes slamming into buildings and open fields.
I remember in my English/Literature class we had to write a page on the attacks. While I am not particularly patriotic, and never have been, it still broke my heart to know and witness that people would do such a thing as to hijack a plane with helpless people only to crash it into a building with more innocent people. Please don't flame me for this.
How can you not be Patriotic?????????????? No flaming just move.


Active Member
If I say too much it will lead to my ass getting flamed, so I will give you the jist of it.
I am half British and 1/4 Australian. My grandparents moved here from England, had my father and his siblings. Technically my father is British, though he was born and raised in America. He went into the Army when he was about 16 or 17 and fought in the front lines of Vietnam. That war has screwed up my father so badly. As long as I have known my father, all of my life, he has NEVER been 'right'. It's hard to be a teenaged girl and take care of your disabled veteran of a father. Is this America's fault? No, it isn't.
On the other hand, as a broken family, we struggle. We struggle to make ends meet. I live alone with my dad; I was kicked out of my mother's house. Because he is mentally and physically disabled, it makes it hard for him to get a job. Quite impossible, actually. He gets a Social Security cheque once a month that gives us about $100 at the most, post-bill paying. I got a fully paid 4 year scholarship BECAUSE of his disability, to any Alabama college I choose. Sadly, I cannot GO to college because I have to take care of my father and pay bills of my own and help him out financially as well.
Now it is threatened that Social Security will be cut. If that is done, what is going to happen to my father?
It's not just that, but now that I scroll up and realize that I have almost written a novel, I am going to end.
Please no flaming. Or telling me how/what I should think/feel. No matter what you have to say. I guarantee you that I have heard it before.