Where would you go??


This may be the wrong forum to ask this question, but help here has always been great. I would like to know what is a good book or website for information on setups. I've been keeping a reef tank for 2 years and understand the animal aspects. I would like to do several DIY projects. I never used a sump/refugium and would like to understand how to set it up. I've learned alot reading several threads and wonder how everyone else learned. I hate paying my LFS to do stuff then find out it would have been better and cheaper if I did it myself. Mechanically I am bad, but I learn quick and love to read.


Active Member
what do you need to know?
i recently went through this myself
the Equip/DIY forum is good too


Two projects I am doing now...
A. I want to add a Refugium/sump. I am currently using a CPR on a 40 gal. I want to remove this and place a skimmer below. I would like to have a 15-20 gal area. Divide it into 5 gal sump/ 10 gal refugium. I have an ideal how to design it but I know nothing about the plumbing, overflow, gph flow. I dont want to have water flowing all over because I didnt calculate correctly.