wheres al gore hidding?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
We need to look at ways to curtail CO2, but not at the expense of our way of life and not because of warming. There is doubt about that but there is no doubt about what effect elevated CO2 levels have on the PH of saltwater. I just think a little more common sense is needed in how we go about this. Cap and trade is a friggin joke. Allowing a pay to pollute policy isn't the solution.
79 a.d.
Anyone know what these dates signify? also does anyone notice a slight pattern at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
79 a.d.
Anyone know what these dates signify? also does anyone notice a slight pattern at all?
1985 was when San Antonio got 15" - 18" of snow. Shut the city down for three days...


Active Member
Out of 50 states it snowed in 49 of them today, Hawaii being the only exception. Climate change happens whether we agree with a politician or not, and it has been that way for billions of years.
I'll tell you what though, its cold and its olympics time baby!!!!


darthtang aw

Active Member
Those years are years of major volcanic eruptions. Other than those volcanos that spew continuously....Notice four times in the 1900s. 3 of those times right around when it was noticed co2 levels were climbing rapidly.....coincidence?
just realized i forgot 1980,,,,so change 3 to four.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Those years are years of major volcanic eruptions. Other than those volcanos that spew continuously....Notice four times in the 1900s. 3 of those times right around when it was noticed co2 levels were climbing rapidly.....coincidence?
just realized i forgot 1980,,,,so change 3 to four.
Yeah but when the volcano erupts you get the ash in the air which counteracts the CO2 increase.
That is the argument a Marine Biologist threw out on a different board. When I mentioned that the ash would be settled out of the air in a year to 18 months max while according to their own global warming theory CO2 lasts decades he quit responding.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah but when the volcano erupts you get the ash in the air which counteracts the CO2 increase.
That is the argument a Marine Biologist threw out on a different board. When I mentioned that the ash would be settled out of the air in a year to 18 months max while according to their own global warming theory CO2 lasts decades he quit responding.

The other thing that is NEVER factored into any of the studies is Volcanic activity has increased steadily for the past 50 years....so much so that the eruptions are increasing in power and consistancy. from what I see. over the last 500 years volcanic activity has steadily increased at the same rate as the planet has increased average temperature...coinicidence?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The other thing that is NEVER factored into any of the studies is Volcanic activity has increased steadily for the past 50 years....so much so that the eruptions are increasing in power and consistancy. from what I see. over the last 500 years volcanic activity has steadily increased at the same rate as the planet has increased average temperature...coinicidence?
Al Gore got laryngitis last year and the world temp dropped .8 degrees on average.... coincidence? I think not


Staff member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Al Gore got laryngitis last year and the world temp dropped .8 degrees on average.... coincidence? I think not

With all the scams disclosed, its hard to take "the science" seriously, even if global warming is happening. That the climate will change, regardless of human impact, that is a given. Will it wipe us out? Well....look at the history of this planet. [What did everybody think would happen with these so-called objective scientists when they have to justify their pet research projects to get funding? Duh!]

I'm not sure that there is enough science to document conclusive volcanic activity from hundreds/thousands of years ago. At best, we may be able to have info about larger incidents of volcanism. And little is known about oceanic volcanism, which is where most of it occurs.
I think we are getting smart enough now to realistically deal with co2 emissions.


Active Member
IMO if everyone would stop farting, we would be fine. To much to ask in order to save our planet?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth

I'm not sure that there is enough science to document conclusive volcanic activity from hundreds/thousands of years ago. At best, we may be able to have info about larger incidents of volcanism. And little is known about oceanic volcanism, which is where most of it occurs.
I would agree with that..but there is another pattern I noticed (based off data I have researched) Near the end of each century The volcanic activity greatly increased. Even if we only go back to the beginning of the 1900's the data compiled shows volcanic activity nearly tripled in the later half of the century, with the 80-90's having the most activity. Even if you went back fifty years, the later half of that 50 years sample has a drastic increase in volcanic activity...
In 1994 volcanos were releasing 130 million tonnes of CO2 a year into our atmosphere. And increasing yearly.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Not to mention an active volcano (depending on which one we are talking abvout) releases 20 tonnes all they way up to 10 million TONNES OF so2 per day!
Not to mention the volcanoes in say Hawaii, where the magma hits the sea water creating more greenhouse gases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Two years of accumulated snow in Columbus GA .... explain that AL!
My kids are over near Savannah, both Montana lifers. My son can finally shut up about missing the snow, they got a few inches.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I would agree with that..but there is another pattern I noticed (based off data I have researched) Near the end of each century The volcanic activity greatly increased. Even if we only go back to the beginning of the 1900's the data compiled shows volcanic activity nearly tripled in the later half of the century, with the 80-90's having the most activity. Even if you went back fifty years, the later half of that 50 years sample has a drastic increase in volcanic activity...
In 1994 volcanos were releasing 130 million tonnes of CO2 a year into our atmosphere. And increasing yearly.
We have only really had science on volcanism for less then a century. Here is a graph of what we know.
Obviously, most events are charted in recent times. That is because we didn't know about the others. They were undocumented, or unrecorded. Now is the only time in history that we can track every kind of such events globally, and even way before an actual eruption. I don't think that volcanism has necessarily suddenly become active in the past 60 years, however, our science technology has.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
We have only really had science on volcanism for less then a century. Here is a graph of what we know.
Obviously, most events are charted in recent times. That is because we didn't know about the others. They were undocumented, or unrecorded. Now is the only time in history that we can track every kind of such events globally, and even way before an actual eruption. I don't think that volcanism has necessarily suddenly become active in the past 60 years, however, our science technology has.
I wonder though, there has obviously been a spike in Volcanic activity towards the end of last century. Why no attempt to ascertain (just blew my big word budget for the month) how much they have increased CO2 concentrations. Why they may not have tracked the eruption when Yellowstone went off way back when that had to put some serious CO2 into the air.