Where's He Going? Help.


New Member
Just bought my first anemone. I have two clowns in the tank, and was really hoping that they would take to this anemone. Instead, the anemone has slowly slunk back into the rock, and is now even further hidden than shown in this picture. I is impossible to get any food back to him.
Any ideas? Even when he was out, the 2 perculas showed no interest.


New Member
Hoping for a bit more help. He's now completely behind the rock wall we have in our tank (Goes from bottom to top of tank). I can't get any food back to where he is. He still looks OK (From what I can see). Any ideas? Should I take the wall down and move him out, or let him figure it out?


New Member
Its a Long Tentacle Anemone. So I shouldnt worry that I can't get food back there?


New Member
Ok, its been 3 days now, and he's still back behind there. Showing no signs of moving. Not sure where he could go either, as its literally a rock wall as posted before. Obviously there are spots where he could fit through, as he got himself back there. But he's just not going anywhere.
Would you advise taking a few rocks off the top and moving him back out in front?
I dont want my $40 anemone to just die back behind the rock wall.


New Member
Quick Update.
I'll bring in my digital camera. Things were looking grave. I finally pulled him out from behind the rock wall today, as he appeared to be shriveling up. I placed in him the crushed coral in front of the wall. His tentacles appear to look a bit better. I also placed some food close to his mouth, and a bunch of it stuck to his tentacles. I left for about two hours, and when I came back a bunch of tentacles were in towards his mouth, so I'm hoping he ate it.
Anything else I can do?