Where's my Blenny ?!?


New Member
I have a 30Gal. that has been established since about December '01. I have 1 clown that has been in since Jan. I put 2 Blenny in the tank in February. About 2 weeks later I added 1 yellow tang and 1 carribean anemone. The Blennies have been doing great. No signs of problems at all. Then, I wake up last Thursday morning and check the tank and 1 of the Blenny was dead. The other Blenny I couldn't find. It had been hiding out in a large piece of live rock and coming out mainly just to eat, so I assumed it was there. However, it has not been coming out at all. On Sunday, after 3 days with no sign of the second Blenny, I decide to take a closer look at the rock. I can't find any sign of the second Blenny anywhere.
Any thoughts?? Would a tang eat a Blenny? The tang had been chasing both Blennies some, but they had plenty of hiding places among the rocks.


New Member
I haven't thought to look behind the tank, but I think that is highly unlikely. There's only one small opening in my canopy top, where the heater is placed.
I am at a loss. There's not much I can do about it, as it is obvious they are gone. I'm just curious as to what could have happened. Could the Anemone have eaten an entire Blenny. They were less than 2 inches long. There's no trace.


if the levels in your tank are high then it is dead in there. one of my friends said thay hers found its way into the chenical drawer of her trickle filter!


New Member
Thanks for the info.
Rocks are all stable. Levels are all fairly stable as well. I usually check them once each week, but I've been checking every few days lately. My fear is the second blenny is dead and hidden somewhere and will start decaying and spike my levels.
There's really not many places he could be hidden in my tank, unless he is somehow buried in the CC. There's no way he could have fit through the sieve of my filter. ?????


Active Member
If he is not coming out for feedings his is either dead of getting food elsewhere. Do you have a cleanup crew? They might have carted away the carcass. Your tank is very full, I am sure you weren't told by the LFS but that tang if rather large for a 30 gallon. He is probably a baby, but they need lots of room to swim, lots. I am not one to get on folks cases, espically newbies but you might wanna consider returning the tang for a credit. Something to think about. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask away, somebody in here will know the answer :)


New Member
I don't have a cleanup crew yet. Next on the list along with more live rock and better lighting.
I'm quite sure the Blenny is dead. There were 2 and I found 1 dead at the bottom of the tank on top of CC. The other I haven't seen since. That was on Friday.
As to the Tang, I agree. I'm in kind of a sticky situation with that. I had the Clown and 2 Bicolor Blennies and was finished buying fish. My inlaws surprised my son by bringing home the Tang. We just set the tank up in December and they have taken a great interest in it since. I had no idea they were getting the Tang. Now they come over every few days just to check it out. I'm not real sure what to do. The Tang seems happy. He has a specific corner he likes to hang out in. I actually watched the clown pick a piece of food or debris off its snout today.
I don't plan to replace the Blenny with any other fish. I'm sure my LFS would take the Tang back for credit, but I'd hate to upset everyone. My 3 year old would be devastated. As long as the Tang seems content, I'll probably just keep him. However, I plan to eventually add more Rock and maybe some soft coral and inverts. This will take away more room. I'll just have to reevaluate as I go.
Thanks again for the input. This board is full of helpful info. Keep it coming


I got 2 blennys. mine were VERY taretorrial! i think one of your blennys killed the other one! i dont think the tang would do anything to the blenny. The only thing i could think of is that he jumped out of the tank, rocks fell on him, other blenny killed him, anem had him for a midnight snack, or he just simply died and is rotting in the corner. But what do i know, IM A NEWBIE!!


New Member
I'm a newbie as well mr. bubble. I set the tank up for my wife, but I've kind of gotten hooked on the hobby, so to speak.
The last thing I know to do is dredge the CC to try to recover the body. Poor Blenny