wheres my goby?


Active Member
any know how long it takes (on average) for your goby to get use to the tank and show his face? i bought a diamond goby on sunday and i ahvent seen him since after i acclimated him and put him in the tank. i have a 55g with alot of rockwork but i cant find him anywhere. i have tops so he didnt get out. anyone have any idea?


I know its hard, but i wouldnt worry too much yet. test your water to make sure you dont see an ammonia spike, but sometimes it will take awhile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
any know how long it takes (on average) for your goby to get use to the tank and show his face? i bought a diamond goby on sunday and i ahvent seen him since after i acclimated him and put him in the tank. i have a 55g with alot of rockwork but i cant find him anywhere. i have tops so he didnt get out. anyone have any idea?
I didnt see mike form 10 days,, i thought he died and was eaten by my cleaning crew,, then one day i woke up and saw a little hole under a rock and a giant mound of live sand that he made,,, easily my most entertaining fish..


Active Member
I have a high fin goby (Stonogobiops nematodes) and will see him for days in a row then he disappears for days in a row. It kind of makes me mad cause I want to dismantle my rocks to see where he is or if he is gone. Then he will pop up one day. Cute fish but I hate that about them.


Active Member
look underneath your tank. Sometimes they burrow so deep they will move the substrate down to the bare bottom of the tank.


New Member
We bought a diamond goby on Sunday Too! Saw him Monday . He dug out holes under evry rock in my tank. But havenet seen him since


Active Member
You have to be careful, they are jumpers. I had mine for about a month, then did not see him. I stepped on part of him a couple of days later. I have a glass cover and a canopy on my tank. There is about a 1 1/2 to 2" gap between the glass cover and the back of the tank, but I did not think this was enough for it to get out. Well it was...