Wheres the best place to get uncured live rock by the pound and boxed


Wheres the best place to get uncured live rock by the pound and boxed?
I would love to get it here but they only have it boxed up.
so if you know of great places for LR please email me at ryuson99@gmail.com


Staff member
They only have it boxed up? If you are going to get it online, all LR will be boxed up. :confused:


Active Member
Saltwater fish has great stuff, or your local pet store can usually get it too, How many pounds you looking for ?

nm reef

Active Member
I've ordered a 45 lb box from here and purchased easily three times that much from LFS's...I like to hand/eye select personally...but the quality of the LR from the host was just as good as any I've picked out individually...and less expensive per lb...:thinking: