Where's Waldo?


Just Kidding....
Where are my Mated pair of Yellow Banded Coral Shrimps ? I placed them in my tank on May 26 and saw them scurry to the rocks...Since then, have not seen either of them...I have not seen their carcass and I do not think anyone would have eaten them??? Any ideas? Are they just hiding? Any opinions are appreciated!!!
Thanks...I love this site!

jb rekit

Those are pretty large. I would think they would be hard to miss.
I do have 2 camel shrimp that like to stay behind my LR and I may only see them 2-3 times a week. Same with some of my crabs.
My fire and cleaner shrimp are usually always out in the open though. I thought coral banded shrimp usually stayed pretty visible though. I bet they will come out of hiding pretty soon.


Active Member
since they are a mated pair, mabey they are just having a good time....lol JK have you really searched hard for them? you sure you dont have a mantis shrimp or anything?


75 Gallon
Completely Cycled for on 4/29/04
125 lbs. live haiti rock
40 turbo snails (give or take)
20 hermits(give or take)
3 peppermint shrimp
1 banded coral shrimp
1 red sea sailfin tang
1 yellow tang
1 royal gramma
2 banded coral shrimp (yellow mated pair)
Ammonia 0
PH 8.4
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Salinity 1.022
I can't have a mantis shrimp b/c I have not lost anything else.....What do you mean by "really searched"? I have not moved rocks or anything...Yes, my coral banded is very visible and so are my peppermint.


Did you have a CBS in before the pair? Does it come out regularly? Is it larger than the pair you put in? Could have been a dispute between the 3 of them. Have you tried looking for them after lights out? Pretty sure CBS are nocturnal for the most part until they get used to their new environment and eventually become bolder.


I am not sure where i heard this or the accuracy of the claim but don't shrimp take a really long time to acclimate ? like drip acclimation


Are you suggesting that they were not acclimated properly? Only aiber can answer that, but I doubt that was the problem. I've acclimated 2 CBS, a few Peppermints/Camelbacks, and a Cleaner using the float and add, subtract and add method. I dont do that anymore, but we didnt have any casualties. I still say look for them after lights out.


rwhite, thanks for the info and questions..Here are the answers....Maybe you could shed more light...
Did you have a CBS in before the pair?
Yes, the CBS had been in the tank for a month. I thought about a possible confrontation but I never saw a carcass.
Does it come out regularly?
Yes, it comes out all of the time...I always see it.
Is it larger than the pair you put in?
Yes, it is larger than the pair.
Have you tried looking for them after lights out?
Yes, I have tried to no avail.
I acclimated appropriately. I do not think that was the problem...Anyway, I would've seen the bodies, right?


Active Member
I was thinking along the same lines of rwhite (adding a new, smaller pair with an already established bigger shrimp). I really dont know for sure if that would be the case from experience or knowledge, just gut instinct. You wouldn't necessarily see the bodies---a good clean up crew would of taken care of that. Even a crappy one, like I have (basically 2 cleaner shrimp and a few snails), left no remains of a LMB I had.
I was amazed at that. Again this was just my gut instinct, not written in stone.


If you havent seen them about day or night, I'm afraid they may be lost. Most likely suspect is definitely the CBS and I agree that you probably wouldnt find any remains. When a Peppermint of ours "died" (probably killed) and our CBS found the carcas, he grabbed it and went into hiding to eat. Never saw any remains after that. I hope I'm wrong, but as the Magic 8 Ball says "Dont count on it", I think you are right to worry after such a long period. You never know though, I've read that people have finally found new additions after looong periods of MIA. Good luck.
michael21, I apologize also. The way it reads is NOT the way I meant it. Basically wanted to know if thats what you thought may have been the problem and sharing my thoughts and experience with shrimp. And, besides, it would have been aiber who would take offense:thinking: Anyway, sorry again. Reply here so I know you got the message or I'll look for you in another thread. :D


So nobody thinks that they may be hiding??
I still haven't seen any of the two Yellow Coral Banded. I am going to assume that the original CBS killed them....On the other hand, I am still hoping that they are hiding somewhere and one day I will see them.
I will let all of you know if they "resurface"

tahoe ocean

I was also thinking that the original larger CBS might have had a gourmet meal. My CBS killed and ate her mate when he molted. Guess that was when he was the most tender!:hilarious She's behaved herself with the new Fire Shrimp, but I think that is because he's much bigger than her.


My CBS doesn't seem aggressive. I have three peppermint shrimps that he doesn't mess with. The peppermint's are smaller but they were all added at the same time. Maybe that is why my CBS has not made them a meal...


JB Rekit, Tahoe Ocean, rwhite, Magooo2, ClarkiiBoi:
It just made my day....It had been hiding for a week. Hopefully, I'll see the other one also...
Thought you guys would like to know this..