Originally Posted by ruaround
neither is better... its a matter of preference... glass is heavier... acrylic straches...
Agreed. There's no way to win this argument.
depends what you want, glass is heavier and acrylic scratches as said, but if you want a mantis shrimp, acrylic cause its stronger and more flexible sort of, and glass for fish tanks cause they don't scratch as much making it clearer.
my personal preference is glass for the clarity. i do have a few acrylics in case i ever find a mantis though. like stated before, they both have their plus' and minus'.
Originally Posted by GosuPaintballe
Are the glass or acrylic aquariums better? And why?
I went with acrylic because I like the seamless property of acrylic tanks. The fact that they are much lighter is a plus as well and you do have to watch for scratching as mentioned earlier.
I do believe there are seamless glass tanks but not sure how much those cost. My acrylic wasn't cheap so one can only imagine.
I got both.Its just up to you.The good and bad have been mentioned.Just be very careful with acrylic.Clean the whole tank before you clean the very bottom and you will be ok.Glass is costly to drill and so heavy your friends will quit helping you.I promise,they help once and that will be it.