which brand of live sand?


Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand from CaribSea
Nature's Ocean Bio-Active Reef Sand (they have reef substrate prob CC and reef sand, I am only comparing the reef sand)
Please help me decide which live sand to choose. And also how is it compared to the live sand sold at this site?



Active Member
i hear of lots of people using caribsea, so i would go with that... they are probably both about the same, so if one is a lot cheaper than the other go with that but i would say get caribsea... and DONT GET THE CC lol


Originally Posted by autofreak44
i hear of lots of people using caribsea, so i would go with that... they are probably both about the same, so if one is a lot cheaper than the other go with that but i would say get caribsea... and DONT GET THE CC lol

Thanks. Yeah, I heard lots of bad thing about CC from this site. how is it different (advantages and disadvantages) from the live sand sold on this site, do you know?


This is what I used.

not a great example, but it's fine white sand with whole/broken little pieces of shell, it's really nice - west caribbean reef variety

My lfs ordered it in for me.


I don't think I have seen it anywhere. On the other hand, it is prob because i haven't been looking hard. :)


Originally Posted by moneylaw
I don't think I have seen it anywhere. On the other hand, it is prob because i haven't been looking hard. :)
Email me at glenda419@charter.net and I'll let you know where you can find it.


I was also thinking about getting some of the same stuff. I just got a decent set up from the local classified. Just moved it in today, but i noticed that there is only 1/2 inch of sand. i would like more and was thining about this stuff...
Do you have to rinse it out? or just dump directly into your tank. right now, I have no fish, only LR and LS. Thanks.


Originally Posted by mrextc
I was also thinking about getting some of the same stuff. I just got a decent set up from the local classified. Just moved it in today, but i noticed that there is only 1/2 inch of sand. i would like more and was thining about this stuff...
Do you have to rinse it out? or just dump directly into your tank. right now, I have no fish, only LR and LS. Thanks.
You just put it in your tank straight from the bag. It's got everything in it that is good from the ocean.


Here's my tank with it:

Here's a better example picture I found, although it's not pink it's white and this shows more shell fragments that I found in my two bags. But I am more than happy with it in my tank. Has more character than just sand.


We just bought that CaribSea Ocean Direct live sand and I am in love with it. While putting it in the tank, I wanted to make sand castles first. No rinsing involved and as long as you just don't throw the water in (we used a bowl so sand and water wouldn't splash everywhere), it wasn't too cloudy for very long. Started clearing in about an hour or so, and very clear by morning. I am glad I was able to convince my husband that the CC was bad and sand is good!!


Originally Posted by moneylaw
Wow, your rocks look very nice, unique shape. Are they tanga rocks? The sand looks good too.
Sorry, just got back from the fireworks. 4 are Tonga Kaileni Table Top, 1 Fiji Pukani Branch, and a couple of small Totoka pieces. And thank you, I was able to get them from a lfs for $4.99/lb. It took me several hours to get the aquascaping to my liking. I wanted an open look with lots of swimming holes and water flow ways. It's only 2 mos old so I'm just starting to get some red, purple and green coraline. I really like my sand, too, it's very fine and white but just enough little whole shells and fragments to make it look like the ocean bottom.