Which bulbs should I use out of this list?


Active Member
Nova Extreme Pro 46g
Ok I only have 6 bulb slots so I need to take 1 of these options away from the list below and I dont know which one.
ATI Blue Plus,
UVL Super Actinic,
KZ Fiji Purple,
ATI Blue Plus,
KZ Fiji Purple,
UVL Super Actinic,
ATI Blue Plus


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
Nova Extreme Pro 46g
Ok I only have 6 bulb slots so I need to take 1 of these options away from the list below and I dont know which one.
ATI Blue Plus,
UVL Super Actinic,
KZ Fiji Purple,
ATI Blue Plus,
KZ Fiji Purple,
UVL Super Actinic,
ATI Blue Plus
Drop one of the super actinics.