I have a large anemone and was wondering which clowns will share it? Is it just perculas? My tomato doesnt look like it will share the anemone with ANYTHING! Greedy Guy!
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
percs i think, there r tips on gettin any type of clown to host anenomes
Yep some of the more successful tips include printing a pic of a clown fish hosting an anemone and taping it to the tank.
do you already have a tomato clown? if so you really wont be able to get another type of clown...they will not get along, ESPECIALLY if your trying to get it to share an anemone
yes, only mated pairs share an anemone. And even then the female can get rather nasty towards her mate. Stick to one type/one pari of clown fish....unless you're lucky enough to have a 300 plus gallon tank
I have 2 cinnamon clowns that are now hosting my goniopora (sp?). I think they are actually irritating it to the point it wont open up completely. I read that they are very difficult to keep so it will probably die. For the time being though, my clowns love it, and there is no risk of it snatching another one of my fish like anemones sometimes can.