Which clownfish?


Active Member
Just lost my last perc (jumped onto tank ledge and got fried by lights).
Which other clownfish would make an interesting addition to tank?
I'm not sure wether to try another pair of percs or try something else clown wise.
Tank is 42G:
1 Bi colour Blennie
1 4 spot wrasse
1 YT Damsel
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Turbo Snails


Maroon Clownfish.
I picked a whitestripe maroon last weekend. a lot of personality, i really enjoy him. My only other fish are 2 damsels that survived the cycle and are doing very well together.


Active Member
My favorite by a long way is the gold stripe maroon clown. Man those fish are gorgeous! Only down side is you should probably only get one of these unless your tank is large, as they are more territorial than the percs and such, and also get larger. After that, my second favorite or the very common false percs.
As my name suggests... I would vote Maroon Clown. I personally prefer gold stripe. Mine is a deep deep reddish color with thick gold stripes. Gorgeous fish! I instantly took to this fish when I say him in the fish store. Going on 2 years now with this fish and he has grown up well.
Mine has alot of personality but definitely likes his space. IMO you won't be disappointed in this fish, but only 1 per tank is what I would recommend, unless it is a matched breeding pair.
My GS Maroon Clown when I got him almost 2 years ago, sorry no recent pics with me at work.
Depends....they can definitely hold their own. But mine is fairly subdued. He only gets upset if someone enters his corner of the tank. In the open water he is nice as pie. His behavior consists of pushing fish with his nose, but I have never seen him nip at fins.
Your female maroon looks an aweful lot like my Gold Stripe Maroon. You say its 'changing' color, but I would say its 'true' color is showing. JMO.


Active Member
I was going to get a gold stripe but i decided it would get way to big for my size tank, but I loved thier colors. I wound up with a awsome false perc. I love this fish i had always wanted one since I was little.


i saw a beautiful clown a while back when i first started shopping around for a tank and what not.
Im not a big fan of the clowns they dont do to much for me but i saw one that was the typ orange it had two almost like silverish blue stripes outlined with black stripes.
The place was not very good and the tank wasnt labled properly so i had no idea what kind it was and the lady working there didnt either...
I have yet to see a clown like it since...im not going back there but im thinking id like to ge this kind for my new tank when its ready.
can anyone tell me what kind it was...is it a special kind or just a really neat looking perc.


Active Member
Thanks for replies
I have used the search on this board and have found that the majority of maroons are trouble (aggressive, territorial etc).
Not what I was looking for really.
Any other clown suggestions?