yellow ace
I have a 46-gallon that already has an a.ocellaris in it and I wanted to move him to my 10-gallon and purchase another occelarris at the same time to add to the 10 gallon. They would be the only two fish in the tank. I can't decide what to put in the 46-gallon in replacemet. Here is the livestock list:
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
2 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Green Chromis
1 occelaris clown
2 firefish gobies
1 cloudy damsel
1 yellowtail damsel
The clown I like are Cinnamon, Tomato, Maroon, Sebea, other words, anything other than perc, ocelarus...etc. Any suggestions? If you own any of these clowns please tell me the ups and downs of that species! Could I keep a pair of one of the smaller clowns? Any suggestions would be great!
-Ace :happyfish
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
2 Peppermint Shrimp
4 Green Chromis
1 occelaris clown
2 firefish gobies
1 cloudy damsel
1 yellowtail damsel
The clown I like are Cinnamon, Tomato, Maroon, Sebea, other words, anything other than perc, ocelarus...etc. Any suggestions? If you own any of these clowns please tell me the ups and downs of that species! Could I keep a pair of one of the smaller clowns? Any suggestions would be great!
-Ace :happyfish