Which comes last...UV or chiller


I added my 1300+ watts of light last night and the temp on the tank jumped 2 degees within 30 minutes. It's blinding BTW! I have not hooked up my ES8-4 yet and it has 2 pumps which will add even more heat to the water.
I have 2 25W UV lights that are the last pieces of in-line equipment before the water is returned to my tank.
My question is this.
Should the chiller be placed in-line in the return lines and if so does it need to be the last device in the return line before the water is returned to the tank or can I simply pump, chil and return the water to the sump where my return pump pulls the water from?


Is this a reef tank,.. if so you don't want a uv on it,.. if not then it should be the last thing before the water dumps back in to the tank IMO
My chiller is in line on the main return pump. It is inline before the UV (which is only used sporadically). Not sure that it matters which order it is in, but there are many plumbing geniuses that post here (like Broomer) and someone is likely to be able to tell you exactly which order they should go in and give you an extended explanation as to exactly why! :D


Sorry, I meant UV sterilizers. Should I just leave them in-line and just turn them off as PhoenixRising does?