which dottyback


Active Member
hey everyone...I know that pretty much all dottys are semi aggressive but would anyone suggest any one breed that may be the lesser aggressive of the dottys? Im thinking im probably just gonna avoid them in the end cuz Id just rather not deal with the hassle...but just thought I would first get some opinions... thanks in advance :D


Well-Known Member
Royal gramma. Not a dotty back, but similar in looks. Very nice fish. I have a purple pseudo nasty little bastard. Had a sunrise dotty back, gorgeous fish killed my cleaner shrimp


Well-Known Member
I have an orchid dotty back. He's in my 40 with a small oscelaris and two small gobies. I never have any aggression issues with him. the gobies are new, if he was inclined to go after a fish it would be them since they are small and added last.
I agree with Jay, Royal grammars are nice. I had one years ago. He made a lot of aggressive gestures in the area about 6" on all sides of his home but that was just swimming at the invader with his mouth open. Never actually made contact with other fish.


Well-Known Member
The open mouth poster is generally all you get. They stake out there piece of real estate and thats it. Now I have seen mine be very interested in new additions, but never any biting like my pseudo will


Well-Known Member
It's pretty comical to watch. The tiny little fish showing his teeth to a muck la gear one that strays too close.


Well-Known Member
I loved my orchid dottyback, it never bothered anything in the tank. I also loved my royal gramma when I had it, (it was mean to the firefish, open mouth looking ugly). You may know this already...but just in case.... You must choose one or the other, they can't be in the same tank.


Well-Known Member
The orchid dotty is getting good reviews. I may look into one myself. If the devil pseudo ever dies lol