Which filter should I use


I have a Magnum 350 delux canister that came with a carnob/media container and a micron cartridge. So I guess its a convertable filter. Either container is surrounded by a blue filter sleave, I assume to catch the bigger particles. I have been running the carbon filter for 10 weeks now and am wondering if it is time for a media change?
Also, under what circumstances should I use the paper cartridge instead of the Carbon? Are there any advantages to either cartridge?


depending on how much carbon you can fit in there i would change it about every 10 to 12 weeks. the paper cartridge is a micron filter used to catch smaller particles than the blue one, it does tend to clog up quickly reducing flow but does work well.


do I use the paper instead of the carbon? and then rince out the paper more often rather than buying new carbon? Is carbon better overall, i.e. for bacteria grouth, etc?


You can use carbon as a biological media, but in that case, you would not want to replace more than half of it at a time, just rinse it in the old tank water every time you do a water change.