Which Fish Clown or Chromis?


New Member
I am ready to get FISH
. Just not sure which order to start with.
I have a 46g with 40lb LR, 60 LS been going since 8-5-06. Have QT up and running.
I would like 2 percula clowns and 3 green chromis. Any suggestions on which type first.
Oh yeah the QT is 10g. Beth suqqested getting a mated pair. How do know they are a pair? How can you tell male from female?
I have a one more question, remember I'm a newbie, why not buy from P3tsm*rt? If the fish looks healhy, no signs of problems in the tank, and it's going in QT anyway does it matter where it comes from? Please be gentle on me I just don't understand all. I went to a nice new lfs and both tanks with my fish had ick in them and one had a dead fish. I have only visited the stores and asked questions. I just want to do what is right.
Please someone help.
Thanks a bunch


well the first fish i would keep is the chromis, they will eat almost any food presented to them and to tell a pair of clowns apart you can order them as a pair or get three and the biggest will be the female and they will most likely kill of the third one.
the best thing to buy from petsmart is to ask them when their fish come in; if you pick them up the day they arrive they will not be in the pet co/smart tanks for very long and you will have better luck with them;
any more questions feel free to ask


New Member
Thanks, do you know how to tell the ---?
what about chromis-- how many at a time for qt?
I really do appreciate the advice. :happyfish


Active Member
If you get two small clowns they will be juveniles and over time one becomes the female (dominant) and one becomes the male (subordinate). Then you dont need to get a mated pair. Just make sure they are the same species.


Active Member
When did WetsFart start carrying salt water fish?
You should add the more peaceful clowns first, if the waters ok and you're sure it's cycled.


New Member
I know I goofed it's the CO one. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Does anyone think yeah or nay for the green Chromis?
I know i'm not ready for the cleaner crew, but when I am any suggestion on
types and #? :thinking: