Which Fish? Please help!


Basically, I can't find any fish that I like as much as my 6 Line and my F. perc clown for my 24 gallon. They both have so much personality and are so prettier than anything else. Any fish I get has to
-fit into 24 gallons
-be reef safe
-not be too passive- the wrasse and clown are small yet fiesty
-have personality
-have color
-not have the same body shape as the wrasse
This doesn't seem to leave many options. Any ideas???
I would really like a mandarin... but, it seems like it would be hard to keep them. Seems like a lot of people don't have much luck with them, either. :(
Thanks for any replies.


Yellow tang....lol
ummmmm.. what about some type of goby? other than the mandarin. I just saw the coolest little goby and i think i'm going to get it tomorrow. Or even a blenny for that matter. A bicolor or red lip might be good. My bicolor is almost as active as my percs and six line. Less color though.


Thanks. I tried adding a firefish... he was picked on. The tank is about a year old. What kind of goby? I was thinking maybe an acessor. (yellow)


I have a pink shrimp goby that is very cool. He will sift through the substrate a lot also taking mouthfulls and spitting it back out. He will come right up to the front of the tank and check you out while you are looking at him.


no he doesn't dig just grabs mouthfulls and spits it out. I had a sand sifter and it was no problem. very peaceful fish. My poor sandsifter was a casuality of my own , I forgot about him and was cleaning the tank and pushed the siphon right into him!:( He only lived a couple more weeks. He will also sleep standing almost upright against one of my rocks. Very cool!


Thanks for all the replies.
Does anyone have or know about the Midas Blenny as well? I've never seen one, but they look really nice.


Just bought 2 Goldstripe neon gobys. Was going to get one, but they were together @ the LFS and I didn't want to separate them.
BTW, is it true that they only live 1-2 years?


Based on your criteria, I think a Royal Gramma would be great ( as long as you get by their propensity for Ich ). They are quite colorful and full of personality, and aside from Ich - quite hardy. They tend to select a cave area and when other fish get close, they Open their jaws WIDE and scare the fish away. They wont ever eat another fish to my knowledge, but simply posture threateningly. I finally got one to live ( after several attempts ) and he is doing great thus far. Fairly peaceful, and only grows to about 3 inches max. Perfect for your sized tank.


New Member
whatever u get DO NOT get a black and white damsel unless you plan to get only large fish and crabs and shrimp afterwards because they are very territorial. They will kill any fish smaller than them. I've learned from experience. now all i can get is damsels because my mother wont let me sell them and i have a smaller tank so i cant get the larger fish.