Which fish would you vote for


do you think 2 percs, one chromis, and one fairy wrasse would be within the limits of my small tank ?


Active Member
I think thats pushing your limit but doable. Personally I would drop the chromis because they do best in groups and you just don't have the room for that. JMO


Im starting to lean towards the fairy wrasse. . .
It's an expensive little bugger. . .will it die on me ?
or is it pretty easy to take care of ?
will it be agressive towards my percs ?


fairy wrasses are one of the most peaceful fish you could buy. they are not hard to keep if kept with small peaceful fish:)


Active Member
fairy wrasses are one of the most peaceful fish you could buy. they are not hard to keep if kept with small peaceful fish
Agreed! What kind of fairy wrasse are you considering? I have a book on fairy wrasses, so I can look up the fish for you, if you like:)


polar pooch. . .that would be awesome. . .
I am interested in a Labout's Fairy Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus laboutei)
I would be very interested in any and all info you could give me.
and thanks for your help.
I have a source that will sell me one for 80 bucks. . .is that cheap?


Active Member
Ah HA! As promised in the OT forum here it is!
Labout's Fairy wrasse:
Great Barrier Reef...up to 3.5" long. Medium hardiness. Pods and other meaty foods supplemented with algae. Peaceful and reef safe. Colors are said to be unchanged, even in adulthood. Beeeeeeeeeeautiful fish! I'm jealous.
Is it cheap? I don't know, I wouldn't call $80 bucks cheap...but it's a really, REALLY neat fish:) Make sure you have pods, though.


Active Member
Pods (copepods, amphipods) are microfauna that some fish eat, like Mandarins. They live and grow in live rock. They look like little bugs. The fish will eat pods, it doesn't necessarily need them, like Mandarins do. You should be OK with chopped krill, brine, etc. At least that's what my book says.