Which fish you own has a great personality ?


Active Member
Porcupine Puffer. He beggs for food whenever you get near the tank. Whenever you get near the tank he will comeout from hiding and start swimming back and forth across the front of the tank like he is trying to say "hi, feed me".


Active Member
all, they have thier own individual and different personalities
but definitely love the scooter blenny, spends all day hopping around the tank and when we get out food, she climbs the rock to the highest point looking for it
My Clarkii clownfish is the funniest of them all. I have no anemones in my tank so she has decided that the powerhead is her happy home. She takes food to it and leaves it and then chases it down when the powerhead blows it away.
Also, she is just starting to take food from my fingertips giving me a nibble occasionally.Naturally, guessing she is really a she :)


Active Member
Golden Headed Sleeper Goby-
This little guy (or girl) is constantly grabbing mouthfuls of substrate and sifting it onto other fishies heads. He gets right above them and.......bombs away. I like when he spits stuff onto the Coral Banded Shrimp. That shrimp is always chasing stuff around.


The hawkfish has been one of my favorite personalities. He scoots all around the tank and rests on his fins. He will perch on corals and watch my movements with its big eyes and sometimes I even catch him upside down. The only time I see him swim is when I get home and approach the tank. He's like a little puppy in a fish tank.


Active Member
Out of all the fish that I have had I think the false percula clownfish has a very good personality. The two I have now are always begging for food and wiggling around all over the place, I think they are very cute too :D


I would say my lion has the greatest personality. It goes crazy in front of the tank when it sees me holding anything that resembles silversides or krill. It would put its body in a vertical position and start wiggling like crazy, but its eyes still pointed towards me.


both my perc clowns are great- they like to play with my 4.5 month old daughter- she tries to grab them thru the glass and they swim right near her hand looking for food :)
they also will nip at my fingers if my handis in the tank...
i like my flamehawk too-- he likes to perch on the algae clip, so we bought a couple more just for him to perch on!


I would have to say my spotted watchman goby. He builds huge sand mounds in front of "his" rock and no matter how many times the hermit crabs knock it down he keeps building up day after day, the he perches on it.


The fish I had with the greatest personality was a valentini puffer. He was always hovering around the tank with his little fins moving like hilicopter rotors. Tobies can move their eyes independently too so it's funny watching his eyes roam all over. He was smart also... maybe a little too smart. One day he got curious as to what was on the other side of the glass and jumped out of about a 1" opening to his death. Bumber, I really liked him. :( :( :( :( :(


Active Member
I agree with FSHHUB and MOBY DA GOBY. I love my scotter blenny, he has tude, comes to me a gives me the "fan" and "puffs out" although he may be mad at me, not sure, but comical. My Clarkii was awsome, feed my anenomes before himself. Then if I couldnt see him I would knock on the glass and out he'd come to greet me.

clown jr

coral beauty - graceful, independent, great to watch her graze.
dwarf zebra lion - like he said above, like a puppy. eager to eat and hes just chill.
clowns - play around with each other all day. play with filter's outstream, race through caves, all around crazy.


Active Member
I love all mine, but especially like the antics of the sixline wrasse. He comes to the glass to see me, faces off with the royal gramma until he can get a game of chase going and look cool the way he weaves in and out of the rock work.:D


Active Member
My false Percula Clown. He's a very curious fellow, and swims right alongside of my arm when I have it in the tank.


New Member
I have a EMP. Angel, True Perc and Pacific Tang. I have had this one Perc for about 3 years now. I love him. As others have said they act like your best friend. Glad to see someone else's Clown Nips at them. I've had my EMP for about 5 months now and he is a trip also. He has also found how to play with the powerhead, he comes up and lays in my hand now. Nothing is more rewarding when this happens. As for the power head thing, I'm not really sure if he is playing or feeding the Pacific. Or the Pacific has gotten smart and instead of swimming around trying to chase the food he waits for the Emp to give it to him VIA the Powerhead.
My dottyback is my fav. It just swims around and plays in the rock like a little kid in a playground, when I come up to the tank just to look he swims right up to the glass and stares at me. If I open my mouth wide (kinda like a cave) he tried really hard to swim right through the glass and into the cave. LOL


New Member
I love my engineer gobies. They are big and funny looking. They look like long black and white eels and they hover at the front of the tank, twisting around and around each other, hoping they can hypnotize me into feeding them. When I drop in a chunk of frozen food, one of them will grab it and run, causing the food to fall apart nicely for the other fish to eat. :)