Which fish?


Question about one more fish to add to my tank. I've got a 30 gal with 40 lbs LR and LS. I've got 2 false percs and a diamond goby in the tank now. Just added the goby 3 days ago, so once the tank stabilizes, I'm going to add ONE more fish. Just wondering what everyones opinion was on a royal gramma or a pygmy angel. I'd like to get some corals eventually, so would the pygmy angel pick at corals? Let me know what you think. I'd like to keep it a pretty peaceful tank....


Active Member
Originally Posted by pthoma79
Question about one more fish to add to my tank. I've got a 30 gal with 40 lbs LR and LS. I've got 2 false percs and a diamond goby in the tank now. Just added the goby 3 days ago, so once the tank stabilizes, I'm going to add ONE more fish. Just wondering what everyones opinion was on a royal gramma or a pygmy angel. I'd like to get some corals eventually, so would the pygmy angel pick at corals? Let me know what you think. I'd like to keep it a pretty peaceful tank....
Pygmy angel may... tough to say, its hit or miss. IMO Its more miss than hit, meaning they tend to do ok. What about a strawberry pseudochromis? Great color pics dont really do them justice. Green or Yellow clown goby, I like the greens they look tribal. Or a wrasse of some type, carpenters, fairy.. some have incredible colors, I love the carpenters wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pthoma79
Would 2 gobies get along with each other?
Those 2 will IMO, one is a sand sifting goby said to be peacful and the other is a clown goby which hangs out in corals. I have seen many gobys of different species co-exist with eachother.
Dottybacks and pseudochromis... now thats another story.


Active Member
Royal Gramma or a Firefish.....

Just added the firefish to my nano tank and what a beautiful fish. Must have a tight fitting lid as they can jump.
Just to give you my opinion about the angel, I had a coral beauty when my 25 gal was going, nice fish, never bothered a thing but I like to see them in bigger tanks. Mine would just swim back and forth like a crazy fish in a soup can all day long. It drove me nuts to watch this as I felt sorry for it, I gave it away to a person with a 125 gal tank, much nicer home for it. Just my opinion.


Active Member
My dwarf angel doesn't have the wanderlust that Debbie's did, but it is a nasty fish that's nipped fins of its tankmates.
I'd go for a wrasse/angel or something that's always swimming and moving. I think it adds another element to the tank, as clowns and gobies are relatively stationary.


Here are a few thoughts for you and I'll post pictures of fish I have kept perhaps it will help you decide.
1st-you can go with a Coral Beauty (Pygmy Angel) got along very well with other tank mates.
2nd-you can go with a Scott's Fairy wrasse or a Tri-color fairy wrasse. These usually need a bit more swimming room, but you can try out and see.
3rd-Royal Gramma would definitely work in your tank and usually do well with tank mates.
4th-Cherub Angel...pretty cool little guy that would also work in your aquarium. The picture I have of this one is poor and I'm sure you can find a better pic on this site somewhere!
Best wishes with your selection! Let us know what you end up doing.



Active Member
fairy or flasher wrasse, as long as you have a lid if some kind.

you will enjoy a wrasse more than a firefish or gramma IMO


OK, so back to the drawing board. I got a diamond goby about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and came down this morning to find him on the floor. Turns out fish don't do too well out of the water...
I have a piece of eggcrate on the top of the tank and the holes are about 3/4inch by 3/4 inch, so I guess he must have had pretty good aim.
I really liked the job he was doing on my sand, and would like to get another sand sifter of some type. Are there any other gobies that are less apt to jump? Or would a lawnmower blenny do any better?