Which Gobies DSB safe

I have a zebra goby (or barred goby they are sometimes called) in my main tank. He only digs a little in one spot under his favorite piece of rock. Very colourful and always comes up to take food from me, even when I just walk by the tank.
I had engineer gobies, they made enough of a mess of my sand bed that I made them their own little tank to rearrange to their hearts content.


If you don't want anything to mess with your sand you could always go with a Firefish Goby.


Active Member
i would agree with kickster that they are all "reef safe", however, if you have the burrowing kind, they will dig in your substrate, and if you have like the 4-wheel drive (twinspot) goby, they will eat the live sand in hope of eating the micro flora/faunae, thats in there. Many of them will take to substitute foods, but as long as your cool with this, then id say go for any of them (however some tend to go carpet surfing a little more than others)
good lcuk


Active Member
GoldenHeads will cultivate your DSB and make it how they want it, not a bad thing. Fun to watch too.


Hi Deuce, long time no hear from,
any way Most gobies are reef safe as stated but most are No DSB safe, most all will eat sand bed infuna till they are. The fire fish is one of the few exceptions, But are these really concidered a goby?? Not sue I really never did any research on them. But if you want the dsb safest of gobies I recommend the Dragon Goby "AKA" The Banded Goby. They only sift the top layer of substarte and don't really dig down deep. but they do come with there problems, they tend to relocate the DSB in spots, also covering up corals and clams on the sand bed. And they tend to keep silt suspended in the water because of all the moving of substrate. HTH


Active Member
there are several gobies that dont burrow. Neon gobies are awsome fish and dont cause a problem. If a goby puts detritus into suspension it will be removed by the filter, thus making it cleaner. When they stir up the sb, thy dont do it all at once so it isnt like your water is really cloudy