which hang-on skimmer?

I currently have a 46 gallon tank that i will eventually make into a small reef system. i am still planning however, to make sure it will work the first time. I don't have room for a sump, so a hang-on skimmer is what i need. I was planning on using a BAK PAK or a Prizm. i heard both worked fin, but knew no one with personal experience with a Prizm. what one is better? should i get a different brand all together? thanks for your time and thoughts, they are greatly appreciated


I have a Red sea hang on prism skimmer, and have had great success with it. I too have just a small tank at this time, but really like my Red Sea.


Active Member
I've used both, but the CPR is better. But it you want you should put a Berlin hang on. they cost more but are awsome, as well as the Turbo Flotor by Aquamedic
thanks for the input. both seem to sound good. i'll look at the berlins, and see how they match up. another question, the prizm i saw runs a tank up to 100 gallons +/-. Will that overpower my tank of only 46? or is more water flow the better?


For a 46 I would recomend a Seaclone. They are silent and work great. You can pick one up for about 70 dollars. I've got one on my 40.
i'll look into the seaclone. no offense, but i've heard seaclones aren't that great compared to other skimmers. i guess if it works for you, great. Plus, i need a hang-on skimmer. i think i remember seaclones being in sump. well, next question. how often do you need to clean most of the skimmers? will i have to do this daily? or is weekly more accurate? either way, it doesn't matter, i'm just curious. i'm new to these forums, so thanks for all the help and ideas from everyone. :)


Actually, Seaclons are hang on or sump. And, it was the old style that sucked. all the newer styles have been re-designed to be more effective. I clean out the collection cup once a week or so. as for the rest of it, I am yet to and it's been 8 months or so. Still works great. The best part about them is that they are silent and effictive for the smaller tanks. I'm going to get a berlin turbo for my 160, but that would be over kill for a small tank.