Which is better??


Active Member
I have a kodak but want something better.
My dad has a Nikon d40
Which is easier to use.


i have a canon sd1000 and it does ok for a point and shoot for around 200 just dont care for the orange light before pics


New Member
I have friends that use Cannon dslr's but I've always been partial to my Nikon. Really whatever you use you will get used to. The only downside to going with an entry level Nikon (like the d40) is that some lenses will not auto focus due to the design of the body. This isnt a huge issue, you can get most any lense that you need for and entry level camera you just have to pay attention. I also suggest that if you arn't actually going to learn photography and learn how to properly shoot in manual mode you would be better off buying a high end point and shoot IMO.


Active Member
Go with the D40, the sensor is very good and operation is simple. 95% of the images I have posted in the past were made with a D40. It's more about the lens than the camera body. As for the AF aspect of lens, I shoot most of my images in manual but the future of photography is going almost total digital. Might as well make the switch now IMO.
The d40 is an awesome camera and you'll find that you can take some incredible images and then upgrade the lens as you need


Active Member
There isn't much difference between the nikons or canons, I have used both but I have been shooting with canon for 15yrs so I'm kind of partial to canons.