which is hardier of the 2... hippo or powder


Active Member
Hippo, but it is a relative statement. Neither are particularly tough in inappropriate conditions, IMO.


Based on what ive read its seems to me hippo's our hardier than powder blue tang's by far but for me it was the other way around i got a hipo and he died couple of weeks later this was about 2 years ago then about a year and a half ago i brought a powder blue tang and its still alive today!!!!!! so i geuss i have bad luck with hipo's and good luck powder blue tangs BUT I STILL THINK HIPPO's ARE HARDIER


Active Member
i would say powder because of there lack of ammune system to diseases and that they need high water quality JUST MY OPPINION


Active Member
Well, I think that we have to understand what these/most fish go thru before we get them to our tanks.
From collection to mass storage facilities to packageing and shipping around the world to shipping to LFS and going from tanks to tanks and different water conditions to different acclimating.......
You know, IM suprised that any of them live.
The long term stress does slowly weaken the ammunity systems that allow the ick, ect to florish and eventuly it takes its toll. Sometimes they are like this for weeks before we get them.
We put them in our tanks and do everything right and our water is perfect and tank size is good and we cant figure why a week later there dead and what did I do wrong. Maybe you did nothing wrong. It was just overall too much for the fish to take. And I not knocking QTS its just that they are one more step in the prosess.
Like ophiura indicates, Tangs are among the most sensitive spc. and among Tangs the regals and powders are.
I got two hippos and a powder blue when I first set my first tank and the powder didnt make it and the Hipps did 3.5 years later, I still have them.
I beleive that you can NOT say one is hardier than the other and its just that the powder had been thru more stress befor I got it.
I just felt like I had to say this and dont think Im knocking the hobby because I love this hobby and no one is born knowing any of this stuff so.........
That,ll be 2 cents please


I understand all fish go through stress..and you have to take it all to consideration... But im recovering from a bad ich breakout
and i have heardy fish in there now... I know those fish arnt the heardiest but i still want another tang... I have a yellow Tang,,,If I could i would go with a purple..But i Can't!!!


Active Member
I have a purple in with 5 yellows, It just that any tang you put in with that yellow now is going to have to take a beating. Once yellows are establish they dont like other tangs comeing in. You almost have to take the yelow out and keep isolated and rearang the rock, ect in the main tank and then introduce everything at the same time and let them find there territories and size each other up and hope for best.
But again your back to the stress on the yellow thing now. God, I love this hobby


Hippo is hardier IME. I also think it is a prettier fish, but that is subjective.