Which Koralia powerheads?


New Member
I've got a 36 gal bowfront with a 20 gal sump with a mag5 return. I want to add 2 Koralia powerheads to replace the cheap powerhead I have now. Which Koralia powerheads should I get? Would 2 Koralia Evolution 750's be too much? Would I be better off with 2 Koralia 425's or maybe 1 of each?


Active Member
Well, 9 views here and 15 at r2r and still no answer....
I'm not experienced with bowfronts, so I don't know the particulars with flow in those tanks. I would think a 750 would not be too much, an additional 425 for surface agitation might be a good idea too, assuming you dont get enough of that from your return.
Maybe a description of your current gph, direction of flow (up, down, front,etc), surface agitation might give others enough info to comment better? Sorry, all I have is more questions...


Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/385862/which-koralia-powerheads#post_3386143
Well, 9 views here and 15 at r2r and still no answer....
This annoys me to no end! People could at the very least post their views.....
I would do one 750 and one 425. If you do not have that much rock work, go with one 550 and one 425.
If you're really unsure, do two 550s. Yeah, I know, probably not the answer you were hoping for. Honestly, if it were me, I'd probably do two 550s. If you can post a picture of your rock work and we can really see what would be best, but two 550s should do it.


New Member
I was planning on removing the powerhead I have in there now. It is an Aquaclear 50. So the only existing flow would be from the mag5 return from the sump. Basically, I will be starting from scratch. I could use my Aquaclear 50 for surface agitation in addition to a 750. Or buy 2 new powerheads and ditch the Aquaclear 50.


I was assuming that you were ditching the existing powerhead.
Honestly, start with one 550 and see how things flow in the tank. If you think two would be too much, go with the 425. If you think two would not be enough, go with the 750 as the other. If two will be just right, then well, go with that.
You always have this extra AquaClear, so if you get the flow moving well, but don't have enough surface agitation, then you can use the AC for that.


Active Member
Other considerations for flow requirement is what livestock you have.
You can always use the AQ 50 for water mixing and such.
Of course, what BTLD and I have not said is probably our first recommendation....a vortech...or 2...


New Member
I'm going to order a 550 and see what that does. Then order what I think will work best with the 550. At least I will know what kind of flow to expect from the others based on how the 550 flows. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
You will be happy with the 550 im guessing. I have a 36 bow and i use the 425korillia at the top right pointing basically straight out and i have a oceanic biocube(cant remember the gph) on the left middle section pointing towards the front bow and up a lil....I also have a AC30 fuge and a fluval 205(?) for more surface flow....like stated above idk how much rock or anything is in ur tank. Im at work right now so this may have to wait till i get home lol.....can u get a pic? I'll throw a pick on at here of mine later when i get home and get some time on my hands.....

for some reason im a busy bee on wedensdays


Well-Known Member
ya id do two....one mid level right below that other powerhead pointing straight out...kinda into the water column.Leave that other one their and place the other 550 korillia on the other side pointing towards the bow either up or down witch ever works best....
btw looks good how old is ur tank....mines only like 6months!
I see a lil red algae on the substrate on the right of ur tank...im thinkin when u get more flow in their from the powerheads itll clear up!


New Member
The tank is about a year old. The cyanobacteria is what prompted me to add decent powerheads and get more flow.