which large angel to choose??

hello everyone i am looking into getting a large angel and i am stuck between three; annularis, blue and french angel. which would you choose and why. he or she would be going into a 265 gallon fowlr with a hippo tang, raccoon butterfly a pair of clowns and a coral beauty. all advice would be appreciated! :)check out the rest of my planned stock list in the fowlr section. :)
Hey there
I love angels especially large angels. My favorite is the queen angel. I have a juvinile and he is prob 6 months old. He is starting to change. he has a great personality and is hardy.
But if you want me to pick from the three choices...the fench angel. Only bec I just got back from diving in the dry tortugas off of key west and I saw many french angels. Very pretty fish!
yipie!!! a reply! :) thank you soo much for your input :) and i love the keys i vacation there two times a year!! :) we rent houses in marathon. and last fall we rented a house at the mouth of a canal and while looking in the water before lunch i saw something that about made me have a heart attack, it was a french angel, at first i though i was dreaming i started shouting for someone to get the camera. unfortunately by the time we got it he was drifting past the house next to us. :( then the next day i saw either a queen or a blue angel and i got a great picture of it, he even came flat up to the surface of the water for the picture. it was so magical something i will never forget. :)


I would go with the Blue or the French. The Annularis and the Blue Hippo will not pop as much because they'll have such similar coloring.I love the Blue Angel because it looks a lot like Queen and they're amazing to watch change colors.


If you are getting a blue, why not the queen? Just a quick question.


Active Member
Great thing about Holacanthus and Pomacanthus Angels is there is not a bad choice provided you have an adequate environment to add them too, which it sounds like you do. Of the 3 listed, French would be my choice, but Blue would be the most colorful. I hope you at least considered Emperor, I have found nothing more enjoyable in the hobby than watching an Emperor grow from juvi to adult.
Originally Posted by fish are good http:///forum/thread/385888/which-large-angel-to-choose#post_3386478
yipie!!! a reply! :) thank you soo much for your input :) and i love the keys i vacation there two times a year!! :) we rent houses in marathon. and last fall we rented a house at the mouth of a canal and while looking in the water before lunch i saw something that about made me have a heart attack, it was a french angel, at first i though i was dreaming i started shouting for someone to get the camera. unfortunately by the time we got it he was drifting past the house next to us. :( then the next day i saw either a queen or a blue angel and i got a great picture of it, he even came flat up to the surface of the water for the picture. it was so magical something i will never forget. :)
hey thats awesome! yeah I go to the keys twice a year too. I have just about snorkeled about everywhere shallow enough to go. I thought I would post some french angel pictures that I took last weekend. This is the same angel in every pic. He was so docile I just took a bunch of pics of him. These are my best shots.
All of these pics were taken in a big reef off of loggerhead Key.



the French Angelfish gets my vote. I have a juvenile and he's a beautiful fish with a wonderful personality