which light is best

im still researching my light problem. i have a choice of mh, mh+pc,mh+vho, and which of these will work and many many watts of what


Active Member
It depends on your budget if It was me i would go with the MH+VHO combo but all of them will work i would recommend at least 5 watts per gallon or higher for the hard corals
Hope this helps,


Active Member
I like MH plus PC, especially now that there's a true actinic PC. However, I only say this because I have used both halides and PCs with success. But I've never used VHO before. So I really don't know much about them. Pretty mixed though. I bet it's a 50-50 split opinion. :cool:
IMHO you are putting the cart before the horse. I see your tank inhabitants do not include corals yet. Is this your reason for the lighting upgrade? Will you be adding corals?
I would have a least a game plan on what types of corals I wanted to keep. Then I would research their requirements and THEN decide on the lighting issue.
There are are great many corals that cannot survive under MH, but on the other hand there are just as many that cannot survive without it.
If you decide on the MH, I would go with the VHO combination. Every one has their own color spectrum and I like this best on my corals. But then again I like a little more blue.


Active Member
Yeah, in his other post he said he was going to be adding corals. That's when he was asking about straight pc's. It's a few threads down currently. ;)


I think the mh will penetrate more with a higher tank and the VHO gives out much better colors than PCs.