Which Lighting System to get?


i currently have a double fluorescent 2x36w
i bought this fixture about 3 weeks ago. i can exchnage it for a Coralife 48" Aqualight Power Compact Strip Light- 2X65Watt which is $20 more.
my tank is 75g fowlr, but i would like to have a Gorgonian and a feather duster. should i buy exchnage for the pc fixture. and would i be able to keep any anemones with the pc?
thanks any advice will help

mandarin w

Originally Posted by kroch3rd
i currently have a double fluorescent 2x36w
i bought this fixture about 3 weeks ago. i can exchnage it for a Coralife 48" Aqualight Power Compact Strip Light- 2X65Watt which is $20 more.
my tank is 75g fowlr, but i would like to have a Gorgonian and a feather duster. should i buy exchnage for the pc fixture. and would i be able to keep any anemones with the pc?
thanks any advice will help
A 2x65watt power compact is not going to be enough for an anemone. Not even close. If you want to keep an anemone and if the gorgonia is a photosynthic type of gorgonia, you will need to get T-5's or MH. They just require to much light, Definately a lot more light than a power compact can offer.


is it worth it to get the pc though? i will get a non-photosynetisis Gorgonian then, but which type is non-photosyn(cant spell), is the deep sea yellow Gorgonian non-photosynethesis?


Active Member
I would go with the 48" power compact. You are limited with which corals to add, but definately better than regular flourescents. You could keep mushrooms, sponges, and zoas. Very colorful ones to chose from. Sorry, not enough lighting to have an anemone, exept for maybe a condylactis, or flower.