which lights?


New Member
I have a 75 gal. and want to get a bulb anemone. I now have a 50/50 fixture and am thinking about buying either a satellite compact fixture or coralife lunar aqualight fixture. I have heard that the jebo isn't worth buying. would these 4x65watt fixtures be sufficient for a bulb anemone?, or maybe someone has information about other fixtures that would be suitable at a comparable price. These are from 150 to 194 dollars on an auction site. Any information appreciated.


The prices for those fixtures sound cheap to me. Both are quality fixtures, but I'd be concerned on the amount of usage on both units. At least thats what I worry about when buying used. How much of a return will you be getting on your $150-194 if the ballast only has a year left on it? Just something to think about.....
Sorry I couldn't help with the BTA situation. My understanding is anemones need strong light and 3.5wpg is just average.


If you are going to spend that much why not save more money if you need to and buy a fixture that will not limit you to certain things. I was in the same situation you are and i decided to wait and buy a mh and t-5 combo. The wait paid off, i am happy with the light and now i am not limited to what i can keep. i know that when i got my light i bought a anemone and just a few weeks later wanted more so i now am looking into corals as well. maybe you don't want corals ever and thats cool, but if you do then buy the right light the first time. If not then a fixture that has somewhere around 250w-275w will probably suit you.