Which Macros?


Active Member
I have grape caulerpa and it grows/consumes nutrients very quickly. I would assume that I take about a # a month out. That said Chaetomorpha doesn't go asexual like caulerpa and it is not as aggressive as caulerpa. My grape cualerpa overgrew my chaeto. Any rocks I put in my fuge must stay in the fuge because they will be overgrown with caulerpa.
I am actually interested in knowing others growth rate of chaeto. Anyone?


I have chaetomorpha in my sump/refuge. It grows like mad, and has lots of bristleworms/pods in it. I haven't harvested yet.. only had it ~2 months. I am letting it fill out. I could probably harvest ~# a month in a little while. Great stuff!


We dont have a fuge, but in our DT we have a little patch of grape that dosent grow much and a fairly large red algae that looks similar to grape, but dosent grow like green grape. I'm assuming the big red is out competing the green, which is fine with me, I'd rather not have to harvest constantly. Anyway, the red stuff dosent grow rapidly, but does need trimmed from time to time. I love it and it gets me a discount at an LFS. I dont know how much "exporting" it does, but it isnt hurting. I've been contemplating starting a tank just to propigate the stuff. I'll try posting a pic, it may be old though. HTH.
Pic is from 4-10-04.